Chapter Twelve

800 Words
'.....So, that's it. That's my secret'. I looked up for the first time since our conversation had started. He looked really shocked. 'Well...Say something'. He kept opening his mouth and closing it like a goldfish.  The rest of the car ride was silent until he pulled up on the drive of my house. I took my seatbelt off and looked at him again. He just stared straight ahead. 'Ok...well, see you'. I opened the door and stepped out, but he leaned across and grabbed my arm slightly. 'Its not your fault. None of that away'. He smiled sweetly at me, And I returned it. Closing the door, he looked back out the window. I got Rory out and walked to the house. He waved as he backed out the drive and drove away.... EDDIE'S P.O.V Driving home, all I could think about was what she had just told me. All the s**t she's put up with, All the crap she takes off her so-called friends and husband. Yeah, whatever. If he ever loved her, He wouldn't have put her through that, or stood by and let the others. 'Daddy?' I looked in the mirror at Sammy in the backseat. She was rubbing her eyes, waking up. 'Yeah Baby?' 'I'm tired'. She moaned. I smiled at her. 'Then go back to sleep. We're nearly home now anyway'. She smiled. 'Is Uncle Mark coming over today daddy?' She makes me smile, She really loves those guys. 'Probably'. I looked in the mirror and smiled when I saw she was asleep again. When I got home, I woke Sammy up again, though, she didn't seem to happy about it and took her inside. The TV was blasting, So, probably safe to say, The guys were here. As soon as Sammy hear it, she ran straight into the room. 'UNCLE Mark!!!' I heard her scream, Smiling, I followed her. 'Hey Chipmunk'. He picked her up and swung a circle with her. 'Hey, dude'. I smiled aty him. 'Sammy, if you're tired, go to bed for a bit'. Just like I knew she would, She frowned and shook her head. She really did love, Mark. It was sweet. He took her back to the sofa and sat down with her on his lap. I went over but my phone started ringing. Quickly taking it out, hoping it was Megan, but it wasn't. 'Hey guys, I gotta take this. Can you keep an eye on Sammy for me?' Of course, Mark nodded and I walked out into the hallway. 'What the f**k do you want?!' 'Eddie, please, just, hear me out.' I can't believe I even answered the phone. Sighing, I can't believe I'm doing this. 'FINE!, You have two minutes, This better be worth it'. 'Let me see her. Please. I've changed.'. 'No way in f*****g hell!!'. 'Please. She's my daughter too!'. I looked over at her running around, giggling, making Mark laugh. I'm not letting her get hurt again. 'I don't care. You're never seeing her. Don't phone me again. Got it!' 'Ed-' I hung up before she could try and talk her way back in....again. And walked into the front room. 'Everything ok man?' I nodded 'Fine. Hey, can you look after Sammy tomorrow night?' He nodded. 'Sure, Why, got a hot date?' 'Actually...Yeah'. He looked at me shocked. Ever since Sammy was born, I've stayed away from things like that. Guess its time for a change. 'WITH WHO!?!' I smiled and made sure Sammy wasn't listening. 'Just someone I know...' He gave me the 'Who?' Look. Rolling my eyes, I gave in. 'Someone called Megan'. 'Who?' I laughed. 'See, you still don't know'. He smiled. 'You heard of Adam Stevens?' 'Adam...Stevens. Yeah, Of course, I know him he's- NO!' I nodded. 'His WIFE?!?' I shhhh'ed him when Sammy looked up. 'Shut up man'. I nodded towards the kitchen. We both stopped up. Sammy was fine and we walked out of the room. 'You can't date another man's wife Eddie!' I rolled my eyes at him. Since when did he become Mr Perfect. 'Mark...I like her. And were not dating. Our kids are best friends so we wanna get to know each other, and were going to dinner'. He shook his head. 'I don't have to explain it to you man.' 'No, you don't, but just think about your daughter'. 'WOW, I do think about her!!' 'Adam wont be gone forever. And when he comes back, She will go back to him. Anything she had with you...will be gone. And anything mother-figure she is to Sammy will be gone too. Don't give your daughter false hope of a mom, if she's not going to be around for long Eddie'. I couldn't say anything to that. He was right...But I like her SOOOOO much.
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