Chapter Twenty Five

616 Words

Chapter Twenty Five Adam's Point of View It had been about half an hour since he got here and I was growing more and more irritated by the second. Why did he have to stay? None of the other parent's stayed, and why the f**k was he so interested in MY wife? I didn't like him and I didn't trust him.  I didn't know him personally, but I did know OF him. He wasn't a nice guy, or at least that's what I heard. There was also a rumour going a round a few years ago about how he had f****d his buisness partner over and screwed him out of A LOT of money.. before screwing him out of a wife too.  But obviously, the main reason I didn't trust the mother fucker was because he knew my secret. Our secret. Mine, Megans, Becketts, Lewis' and Zacks.  A secret that could honestly ruin all of our lives. 

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