Chapter 31

946 Words

It felt an awful lot like a soul searching journey I was on, or perhaps one of those cheesy Christmas romance movies. I folded my arms, pulling my jacket closer to my body as I watched Leo attempt to chop wood with an axe. "Are you sure you know what you're doing with that thing?" "Of course!" he brought his axe down, it hit the bark and the bark bounced up in the air, narrowly missing his head as it fell back down, "I meant of course not," he looked over with a sheepish smile, "Don't laugh, give me a moment to get the hang of things." I motioned over to Jacob who was chopping effortlessly, "Or, we could just let him do it." Leo looked at me as if I had insulted his entire family, "Excuse me? Do you have any idea what that would mean for my reputation? Me, a cop, letting a spoilt rich

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