Chapter 22

1032 Words

"Okay, guys, let's all stay calm, okay?" I glanced nervously around, trying to come up with some sort of plan, a way out of this. Blackburn held the weapon to the guards neck. Rhodes was had the keys in his hands, he seemed to be working his way through the other patients, letting them free from their cuffs. Jones looked over at me, rubbing his wrist, "What we meant to do about her?" Blackburn frowned, "Hang on, now. You're that therapist, the one who wants to save 'em all. Aren't you related to Jericho?" My eyes were on his hand, the one with the weapon to the guard. "Uh, yeah, that's me. My name is Indigo Hart," I took a shaky breath, "Look, what are you hoping to gain from this? You can't get put of here. Stop this and Jericho never has to find out about any of this ever happening

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