Chapter 40

1009 Words

Suzie was still acting strangely towards me by the time lunch rolled around and she went out. I was happy she had left for two reasons. One being that it was beginning to get rather awkward with the atmosphere between us. And two, because Leo was coming to see me and I didn't want it to be even worse between us. Although I had asked to see Leo to set the record straight, I doubted that Suzie would see it that way. Leo walked in a little while after Suzie had left and I hoped she hasn't seen him coming in. The first thing I noticed was that he had brought lunch. "Hi," he greeted with a smile as he sat down, "Hope you don't mind tacos." I smiled tightly, "Uh, yeah, thanks, Leo. Look, I really need to talk to you about something." "What's wrong?" "Nothing. It's just... Suzie really

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