5. She’s changed

1325 Words

ELDER LUKE POV NEXT DAY My precious little daughter has managed to piss off two Alpha’s. My son didn’t like how Win disrespected him and made his mate uncomfortable in front of everyone at our table. I didn’t like that my Pastelito was upset about our kids fighting. The whole night she kept tossing and turning instead of cuddling with me like we normally do. Now she’s sulking while we have breakfast in our room. “We are leaving next week.” Her frown deepened and she huffed. “We’ve been here longer than we intended already.” I reasoned with her. “But my grandpup.” She gave me big sad eyes with tears briming in them. She’s mastered that little trick. “Let’s put another pup in her?” Art said eagerly. “Hell no! We already have enough c**k blockers as it is. I will be completely ignored if w

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