Chapter 5

3170 Words

Chapter Five Cornelia hadn’t slept like that in a long time. For one thing, she was warm, an unusual event with only the sheet over her. Damien was delightfully warm to sleep next to. For another thing, her morning workout sessions might tone her body, but it didn’t wring her out into limp-dishrag territory the way last night’s activities had. A simpatico energy had run between them, draining her physically and energizing her…her what? Her thoughts were as languid as her body at the moment; a very unusual state for her. Her emotions…were as strange and distant as ever. Except they weren’t the same as ever. They were— “You’re thinking awfully hard for seven in the morning,” Damien’s whispered greeting tickled her ear. “I’m—Wait! Seven?” She scrabbled around for some covers, finally hau

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