Book 1: Chapter 6 - We Meet Again

1248 Words
Her chest constricted and her mouth went dry. She had not expected Stefan to become so cold towards his grandmother. What would she answer if Gran asked? She thanked the receptionist and headed toward the emergency unit. Opening gran’s door, she found gran lying still on the bed waiting for the nurses to prepare her for the surgery. She looked so old, fragile, and helpless. Annabelle’s heart went out to gran who had helped her during her time of need. Sensing the door open, Gran looked up, their eyes met, silently pleading with each other not to lose hope. She went inside and held Gran’s hands in her own, explaining softly what was going on so that she did not get terrified. “It’s just a hairline fracture, Gran. They will fix it and you’ll be fine. We can go home then,” Anna comforted Gran. “I know dear. I’m strong and I’ll go through this. You take care of yourself,” said Gran, touching Anna’s cheek. "I promise I will," said Anna with a smile. She was glad that Gran was taking it well. One hour later gran was wheeled into the OT. The surgery would take 2-3 hours, so she sat outside and waited. It was already 12 noon and her rigorous classes, along with the stress of the morning, had totally exhausted Annabelle, both mentally and physically. She still contemplated calling Stefan but didn’t have the courage. Ellie had gone home to get her stuff as she needed to stay with Gran at the hospital after the surgery. She promised to be back in twenty minutes. Exhausted, she dozed off thinking about Stefan. She had grown into a confident twenty-one-year-old woman who knew her place and could not afford to waste time over someone whom she could never have. She was not his type and he would harbor no feelings for her other than pity. Still, she couldn’t move on. Her heart refused to listen to reason. It still dreamed of Stefan and hoped for the impossible. Stefan entered through the door and strode towards her, his bright blue eyes fixed upon her. She noticed how his soft, curly brown hair had grown since she last saw him. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she watched his tall, muscular body with longing as he approached her. With his silk tie loosely hanging around his neck, and his black trousers hugging his lean muscular legs, he still looked irresistible. He reminded her how much she had missed him. She could feel his eyes full of emotions staring intently at her as if they had missed her a lot. He came closer and sat down beside her, his eyes never leaving her face. He softly caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers, sending a tremor down her body. “Stefan,” she murmured sleepily, stirring restlessly in her sleep. “Rosy,” he whispered, kissing her forehead softly. Annabelle stirred in her sleep. His voice sounded so real, as if he was near her. She opened her eyes from her dream of Stefan, only to find his face inches away from hers. Startled, she rubbed her eyes, and all sleepiness left her instantly. She sat upright, coming to terms with the staggering realization that Stefan was here with her and sitting beside her. “W-when did you arrive here?” she stammered nervously, pinching herself to confirm whether she was dreaming or really he was here with her. A fleeting emotion passed over his features, which she didn’t recognize before he turned cold, serious, and emotionless like always. “It’s been 10 minutes.” “How have you been Rosy?” he asked, scanning her face as if memorizing her features. Annabelle’s throat constricted with pain at his question. After four years of treating her like she didn’t exist, ignoring her very existence, how could he ask her how she was doing? All her resolve to keep control over her emotions faded away, and she felt her blood boil, the anger dominating her feelings. Annabelle is not my type... There is nothing between me and Annabelle and there never can be. His words came back fresh to her memory, and she swore she would stay away from him forever. “I’m good,’’ she said, trying to control her feelings and the hurt which felt fresh, although she thought she had buried them long ago. Checking her mobile phone, she saw it was 1:30 already. “What about you?” she asked in the same emotionless tone, knowing well that he must be happy with his family. “I’m alive. How long will the surgery continue?” He changed the topic, annoying her even more. She wanted to know more about him. “A few more minutes, maybe.” The tension between them was too much to bear, making her heart race like lightning. “I’ll get you some coffee,” he offered and got up to leave for the cafeteria, maybe eager to escape her. “No, thanks, I’m heading that way. I can get it myself.” She didn’t know why she behaved so haughtily with him. Surely, she had no wish to show her immaturity and bear a grudge against him after four long years! He wasn’t wrong in any way! Stefan nodded, slightly taken aback, but regained his composure and led the way to the hospital cafeteria awkwardly. Annabelle followed, exhausted and hungry after her hectic class schedules and all the running around since morning. Her black lycra pants and red tank top clung to her like a second skin while her long hair, although tied in a messy bun, had loosened and a few strands had escaped. She knew she looked a mess, and she needed a shower badly, but she couldn’t leave Gran at the OT. They got coffee and sandwiches and sat opposite each other at a corner table. There were a few people occupying a few of the tables. Otherwise, the cafeteria was quiet. “So, how’s your family? Your wife and child?” Annabelle asked, hiding her bitterness. She had never wanted to confront him about his remarks four years back, but now she couldn’t think of anything else to say to him. “My daughter Arielle is currently vacationing with my dad and Audrey at our Florida resort.” She didn’t miss the sparkle in his eyes at the mention of his daughter’s name. He must love her so much! “Dad received Martha’s call. He was considering hurrying back, but I promised to update him if the need arose,” he said, sipping his coffee. “Yes, I had a word with Gran before the surgery. She’s taking it well. It’s a hairline fracture, and she’d be fine in a month’s time. Uncle Nathaniel can visit us later when it’s convenient for him.“ “This is Arielle’s first outing. They needed this break, and I didn’t want to bother them,” Stefan told her, munching his food. When he did not mention his wife, Annabelle couldn’t control the curiosity bubbling inside her. “Did your wife accompany them? I’ve never seen her visit gran.” Stefan’s jaw clenched, and his eyes turned cold. “We separated and divorced four years ago.” He got up and threw the rest of his food uneaten into the trash bin. “I’m going to have a word with the doctor,” he announced and left.
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