Book 1: Chapter 8 - Losing My Control

1153 Words

Stefan’s POV A throat cleared behind us, bringing me back to reality with a jolt. I looked around to find Gran’s nurse, Ellie, grinning at us. Rosy released me immediately while her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I smiled, not in the least affected, despite knowing what would ensue when Gran gained consciousness. “They have shifted Gran to the ICU. She is groggy but conscious. Won’t you meet her before she goes off to sleep?” “Yes. So, when did you return?” Rosy asked Nurse Ellie. “When you were in the cafeteria?” We followed her to the ICU, where the first thing I noticed was how frail Gran looked. I had never seen her this helpless and my heart went out to her. As far as I could remember, I had always seen her active, full of life, and smiling. I felt guilty for not being the

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