Book 1: Chapter 68 - Am I Expecting Twins?

1068 Words

Annabelle’s POV We reached home and everyone welcomed us with open arms. We distributed the little mementos that we brought with us. Arielle loved the shell necklace and soft toys we got for her. She hugged us tightly, having missed us the most. “Why didn’t you take me with you for your honey and money?” asked Arielle, looking puzzled. She didn’t know what that was, though. We all laughed. “Next time onwards, we’ll go everywhere together. Okay?” I promised her. She nodded excitedly and got busy with her toys to pay us much attention. We showed the other photographs that we took and Mom and Dad looked very interested in the place. They wanted to go there to celebrate their next anniversary. The next day, I went to my dance academy. There were twenty students already admitted, and I sat

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