By this time I had begun to understand the meaning of their terms. By a “gentleman of fortune” they plainly meant neither more nor less than a common pirate, and the little scene that I had overheard was the last act in the corruption of one of the honest hands—perhaps of the last one left aboard. But on this point I was soon to be relieved, for Silver giving a little whistle, a third man strolled up and sat down by the party. “ d**k's square,” said Silver. “ Oh, I know'd d**k was square,” returned the voice of the coxswain, Israel Hands. “He's no fool, is Dick.” And he turned his quid and spat. “But look here,” he went on, “here's what I want to know, Barbecue: how long are we a-going to stand off and on like a blessed bumboat? I've had a'most enough o' Cap'n Smollett; he's hazed me l