Birthday Surprises

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Raven's POV 'Happy birthday sweetheart,' Bella sang. I turned to my side not believing it was morning yet. 'Wake up sleepy head. It is your birthday,' April said laughing and throwing herself at me. I jumped to a sitting position while glaring at April but I was taken aback by the light illuminating the room from the candles on the cake Bella was holding. 'Am I dreaming?' I asked rubbing my face which made both Bella and April start laughing. 'You are not dreaming my darling, it is indeed your birthday and this is your birthday cake,' Bella said smiling lovingly. I couldn't help but burst into tears. I felt so blessed to have both of them. If only the circumstances could change, I would happily have wanted Bella to formally adopt me so that I could call her mum in the presence of everybody. She deserved it! ' Thank you so much, mum. Thank you, April. I love you both,' I said sobbing. 'Aww, such a crybaby,' April said hugging me. Mum also placed the cake on the floor carefully to join and turn it into a group hug. ' Where are the cake and candles from?' I asked after my sob had subsided. 'Actually, that is a little bit of here and there,' Mum said looking as guilty as sin. ' Let's just say we have been picking it from here and there just to make your big day special,' April explained. She didn't have to say much, I understood what she meant. They must have been sneaking the ingredients for the cake out of the kitchen just to surprise me. I knew what the consequences could be if they were caught and they knew too. Yet they chose to put smiles on my face not minding what the consequences of their actions could be. 'Thank you, I am so grateful to both of you. I don't know what my life would have been like without the both of you,' I said as fresh tears sprang to my eyes. 'We are not here to make you cry. It is past midnight. Your wolf will soon be here, that was why we came earlier. Make a wish and blow off the candle,' Mum said. My wolf is expected to show up at one o'clock but I must be alone. I must shift into my wolf in solitude for the first time. It applied to all wolves no matter the status. I had never made a wish in my life. I never wished for anything. I just wanted to live my life. Simply put, I just existed with no aspirations because candidly I had always believed I would never amount to anything, not with my status. But that day for the first time I wished for something special. I wished for a mate who would come and take me away from my mystery and make me happy. After making the wish, I opened my eyes and blew the candles off. April and Mum clapped and sang me the normal birthday song. We talked for some time while eating the cake. The cake wasn't bad but it sure could have used more sugar. We talked about everything. We talked about what would happen if April found her mate and he was not from the pack. We discussed mine too before they both eventually left. I waited anxiously. I had always wanted to meet my wolf. I had always thought that maybe if I had a wolf too, the bullying would reduce even if they didn't stop. Suddenly I felt a twist in my stomach as if I ate something bad. I wondered if it was the cake. Then I began to feel pain in my neck. Before I could fully process that, the pain was all over my body. If I didn't know better, I would have screamed. I endured the pain and refused to scream even as I fell to the floor of my hut. I writhed on the floor trying to get solace from the pain by stretching. I could hear my bones snapping noisily. Suddenly the pain stopped and I attempted to get up but I suddenly discovered that instead of hands I saw paws. I tried to shout excitedly but I only yelped. I stood up carefully trying to get used to walking on four legs. I had been told that Omega wolves were weak but I felt strong and powerful. I made my way to the broken mirror April and I had salvaged using the cello tape we got in one of our cleanings to tape together. I would have screamed if I had my voice. I saw a powerful-looking wolf with black as-midnight fur. On my right side, a part of the fur was pure white. I shook my head trying to dispell the image. I walked away from the mirror, gave myself some seconds, and walked back but I still saw the same thing. I walked to the door and stood near it, trying to measure the height of my wolf. I was surprised when my back touched the door knob. I nearly fainted. That was about the size of any male Alpha wolf. I went back to the mirror. Thinking maybe it was projecting the wrong image because it was broken. Suddenly I remembered that I could communicate with my wolf. 'Hello. Are you there?' I asked my wolf. 'I should be the one asking you if you were in there, Raven. We are in my form,' My wolf answered. ' I am Raven, what is your name?' 'My name is Rave,' My wolf answered. ''Rave? That is the short form of my name?' I asked surprised. 'We are the same. Why do we need different names?' 'You are right, Rave. But why are you so big? You are supposed to be an Omega wolf.' 'I am not an ordinary wolf, Raven. Abandoning us and fleeing was the only way our parents could save us,' Rave explained. 'What do you mean?' 'There is a lot we have to talk about Raven. But for now, you need to pretend as if you are weak. I will be emitting the aura of weakness to keep us safe till the appointed time of our reveal. Remember you can't trust anybody with our secret,' Rave explained and warned me. 'What of April and Mum,' I asked, feeling bad already that I had to lie to them about my wolf. 'It is no longer a secret when you tell someone else. Be wise,' Rave said. 'April and Bella are on their way here. I am going to do my part, Raven. Do yours.' Before I could question her any further I suddenly found myself back on the floor in my human form just before April and Mum burst through the door. Mum quickly rushed to my side. 'Are you ok?' April asked, worry dripping from every word. I didn't have to look at Mum to know she was worried. 'Did you shift at all?' Mum asked. I nodded and she sighed with relief.' It is ok if your wolf is very weak. You have gone through a lot that could have broken anyone plus the fact that you are an Omega, so it is normal if your wolf was too weak to even stay in form for long,' Mum consoled me. 'Don't worry. Your wolf would improve with time, trust me,' April chipped in. I felt like a very bad person. I had never thought that a day would come when I would lie to April and her mum. But then, I barely understood the whole situation myself. I never thought my birthday would turn out to be a day of surprises. First the cake then my wolf. I could just hope the surprises ended because I doubted if my heart could take more.
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