As Discussed

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Raven's POV I stood near the general waiting room nervous and scared witless. I didn't know what the consequences of what I did earlier would be. I had stayed indoors all through. When I was sure the ball would have started, I left the room and walked to the kitchen wearing two clothes. I wore the one the Luna gave me first then I put my Omega uniform on it. My plan was to pull the uniform off when the time was right to go to the general waiting room. I knew that the Luna instructed me to come to the general waiting room after the ball but I couldn't stay still. Besides I wanted to at least have the image of Bella in my head as I die. The kitchen was full of Omegas running helter skelter to get things done. I looked around sadly. I should have been in the kitchen trying to get things done but I was picked by the Luna to do a special duty that was more dangerous than asking me to walk into a raging fire. With a raging fire, I know what awaits me but with the Luna's special duty, I do not know what lies ahead. Bella caught sight of me and came to me. 'Raven, you need to get to work before Maggot gets to see you loitering,' Bella whispered to me. I tried to tell her that I didn't want to go into the dinning room to serve food but Bella pulled me hard and I followed her. She put a tray ladened with grilled meat in my hand and pushed me in the direction of the dining hall where the guests were seated. I was naturally clumsy and it became worse whenever I was nervous. I prayed hard in my heart that night that I don't fall on my face and throw the grilled meat on the floor. I walked into the dining room carefully. I was more careful carrying the tray. I had been serving in the big dining hall for years. It was an experience I looked forward to. All the domineering powers charging in the air were something that was worth experiencing. The dining hall was always filled with high ranking wolves. The display of wealth was also one thing to look out for. Most Luna's try to outshine each other by dressing in the most expensive dresses and used the most expensive jewelries just to show off. I was to hand over what I was carrying to Maggot wherever she was standing. I saw her standing at the edge of the table where the Alpha and Luna were. Her countenance changed immediately she saw that I was the one walking towards her. She exchanged a glance with the Luna and immediately started walking towards me. When she got to me she immediately collected what I was carrying and said, 'Get your filthy self out of this place and do exactly as discussed, else the side effect would be dire.' She hissed and sashayed back to the end of the table where the Luna and Alpha were seated. I suddenly felt uneasy. I felt as if I was being watched. I looked around just to be sure I wasn't being paranoid. Two males that looked exactly like one another were looking at me with an identical look of surprise. I quickly ran out of the dining hall into the kitchen then out through the back door that led to the path which led back home. I ran blindly wanting to get away from there as fast as I could. 'What is wrong with you, why are you running like that?' April asked as I stopped in front of my hut to open the door. She was out of breath as if she had been running too. 'I wasn't running,' I said, denying the fact that I just literaly ran out of the kitchen's backdoor as if someone was after me. 'Yes, you were,' April insisted. 'I was chasing after you and calling your name but you didn't stop.' 'I am sorry. I didn't hear you call,' I said looking at her and wondering how I was going to lie my way out. 'Why are you not in the kitchen?' Maggot will skin you alive if she finds out that you are not in there.' 'What were you doing in the kitchen?' I asked instead of answering her question. 'I was coming to tell you and mum that I was through and I would be going to bed as soon as I find something to eat,' she explained, obviously not noticing that my question was obviously a way of dodging her own question. 'I see. Tell me. Were you able to get some money from the work you were invited to do?' I asked feigning interest. 'I made money but I don't know how much yet. I would have to empty my pocket first to know how much I made,' she explained yawning tiredly. 'Can I help you count?' I asked wanting to keep us talking so that she would not talk about my absence from the kitchen again. 'That would not be tonight. I got bread from one of the guests, so I am going to eat it and sleep, tomorrow morning we can count the money I made but now I am too tired to do anything,' she said yawning tiredly again. 'They give bread as payment for helping them carry their load?' I asked surprised. 'No. The guest said she liked me and gave the bread to me. She is an elderly woman,' she explained. 'You look beaten. Go in and sleep. I would just pick something from inside and return to the kitchen,' I lied to her effortlessly. I wasn't going back anywhere. 'You had better do. If that witch should come after you, you would be facing the music alone,' she said and entered her mother's hut. I entered into mine feeling guilty as sin. I had waited till I was sure the ball would be winding up before venturing back outside. A shiver ran down my spine because of the uncertainty that was to come as I stood there. Maggot suddenly appeared from nowhere. She looked at me carefully from head to toe. Then asked me to follow her. 'As earlier discussed, you are to serve the Alphas of Luna's Den tonight and you must do all that they ask of you.' 'Yes, Maggot,' I said. I was too scared to ask her if I would be serving them drinks or food. 'And you must remember that they are Alphas. Any wrong move from you, they might react in a way you would live to regret. That is if they let you live,' Maggot said without any sympathy for me. I knew that Maggot couldn't feign sympathy to save her life, she was a very indifferent person towards anybody's plight. I followed her without any question. Even if I had questions, I dare not ask. She brought me to the Alpha guest's lodging and pointed at a door. 'Go into number eighty-five and tell them that the Luna sent you. They would understand,' Maggot said and turned to leave. I felt so lost as I dragged heavy feet towards the room. Wondering all the way what was awaiting me behind the closed door of room eighty-five.
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