12. Because Lukey Wasn't With Us

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_____________________________ . . . Finishing their lunch, Susan offered to clear out the table while Kiara and River got dressed to head out. "Which jacket do you want?" River asked, holding out her pink and black jackets. Kiara's favorite colors were pink and black. River hoped she would grow up to be an Avril Lavigne fan. "Black." She said shyly. "Why?" River noticed her shyness. "Because boys think pink is gross. They like black." River's eyes widened. Is that young love I see? Why is she so cute?? River wanted to correct her daughter and tell her she shouldn't dress up to impress anyone else but she figured that Kiara was her daughter, she will figure it out on her own. She also hoped that Kiara's overprotective brother didn't notice the blooming romance. Ewwww... I need to get a life! River handed her the jacket and hung the pink one back in the closet. Kiara tried to put on her jacket, scowling and whining to herself as she wriggled it on. River waited for her to try her best and she eventually put it on, a satisfied smile on her face. That's my girl. "Are we ready to go?" she asked, fixing the collar of the jacket. "Yes!" She grinned, jumping on the spot, and her face contorting in pain. "Oh my baby!" River called out to her as she immediately picked her baby up. "Baby, you shouldn't jump or put pressure on your foot for some time now okay?" She nodded as she rested her head on her chest. Fortunately she wasn't in much pain and didn't cry. River hated it when her kids cried. Because they were happy children. A little fussy but they never cried unless they were hurt or really needed her. The twins were used to not having River around them all the time so they never fussed over not seeing her. And their GG had taught them to value things in life and it made River very happy that they caught on to everything she taught though they were only four. They were smart kiddos. River grabbed her purse and car keys. "Bye Mom." River hugged her mother before she bent down and picked Kiara up. "Bye my little pumpkin." "Bye Granny." They rode down the elevator and made their way to their white SUV. River was a biker until she had the kids. She saved up and bought an SUV as soon as she could after they were born. The mother and daughter stopped by at a toy store to get the little boy a toy robot before they made their way to the preschool. Weirdly Kiara didn't ask for anything. Weird. "Baby?" River asked as she pulled over to the parking lot. "Yes Mommy?" She asked in her cute voice. "Why didn't you ask for toys when we were at the store?" River knew she was probably digging her own grave by asking that question but she had always let her kids take their decision but questioned the reason so that they could be corrected if the reason was not good. "Because Lukey wasn't with us." She said. MY PRECIOUS! River pouted at the cuteness of her daughter. Her baby girl was the most understanding, sweet and kind child she knew, though she was an absolute firecracker from time to time. Hmm.. Like someone I know. The inner voice smirked and River rolled her eyes, knowing very well who that person was. Getting Kiara off the kid seat, River carried her on her hip while holding onto the bag with the toy. It was two fifty-three now. They had seven minutes. River stationed herself at the entrance along with a few other parents. Some waved at her knowing her from PTA meetings, which she returned with a smile. "Hi." River turned to the source of the voice. A man, probably in his early thirties, smiled at her. He had raven black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes in the world. You say that every time you see blue eyes. Well, she couldn't help it. She was a sucker for blue eyes. But as soon as she thought of eyes, she was reminded of the intense caramel eyes that was engraved in her mind, and she found herself comparing those eyes with that of her patient's. They were sooo similar. River held that thought right there. No, don't go there. She told herself. Yeah, that boy is trouble. And she couldn't come to such a conclusion based on just eye color. But the similarity was uncanny. It was somewhat like Kiara's but Kiara had limbal rings and freckles she got from River while Lucas and she had chocolate brown, almost black eyes, only difference was that his was plain while she had freckles and limbal rings. "Hello.." Kiara said shyly and River realized she was yet to respond. "Oh hi.." She said. "Are you Kiara?" He asked the darling little girl. Now, how the hell did he know my baby's name? Paranoid Momma mode was activated. "Yes." She said cautiously. Good. She knew not to trust any stranger. "I am Aaron Grady, Flynn's father." Realization struck both of them. "Mr. Grady, I was hoping to have a talk with you." River said. "I am so sorry about how my son behaved with yours." He raised a brow. "They are yours?" He asked, looking very surprised. She nodded. "She's our Mommy." Kiara nodded her head as well. "I am so sorry. You look really young." He scratched the back of his head. It's okay son, I get that a lot. "It's okay, she gets that a lot." River mentally face-palmed. Did I ever mention my daughter speaks her mind? Did I mention she gets that from you? "Oh." He laughed. "Anyway, I am sorry about my son's behavior." "Oh that's absolutely fine. Flynn told me Lucas pushed him because he thought he hurt his sister." He said. "Yeah, he's really protective of her." River said, readjusting Kiara in her arms. "Like he should be." He laughed looking over at the front door of the school. "You should be proud." "I am." She smiled. Just then the bell rang and the kids started spilling out, running to their parents or the school bus. "Mommy!!" River turned at the voice of her little boy, crouching down to place Kiara down before she opened her arms out to him. "Hey big boy!" River hugged him tight. "I missed you so much my little tiger!" He returned the hug. "I missed you too Mommy." He broke out of the hug and turned to hug his sister. Though they were the same age, Kiara was a lot smaller than Lucas. And he took his big brother duties very seriously. "I missed you Ki." "I missed you more Lukey." He kissed her cheek before looking at her cast. "Does it hurt?" She shook her head and they hugged again. "Hey little man." I turned to see Mr. Grady greet a blond kid with identical eyes as him and a lot of cute freckles. My heart is swelling so much with pride I think it's going to burst. "Are you Flynn?" River crouched down next to him. He nodded, his eyes darting between the lady and behind her, at her two children. "This is for you." River held out the bag to him. He looked at her shyly before looking up to his dad. "Go ahead little man." He patted his head. "Thank you." He whispered taking it. "And thank you for helping my daughter. And sorry my son pushed you.. and hit you." River added, remembering the incident from last day. "He said sorry and thanks." He said. "He gave me Snickers and now we are friends." "Really?" River turned to look at Lucas who smiled proudly, nodding his head. "That's my boy." She grinned, getting back on her feet. "See you around then." River turned to Mr. Grady. The kids said goodbye to each other and River was surprised when Kiara gave her favorite lollipop to Flynn. "Thanks for your help." She said shyly. River didn't miss the frown on Lucas' face. I already feel bad for my daughter. They moved to their car, where River buckled in the twins on the kid-seat. "Next stop?" River asked. "Ice cream!" Kiara squealed. Lucas' eyes widened in excitement and he squealed 'Yay!' as he clapped. Ice cream! . . . ________________________________
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