
Assassin's mate

kickass heroine
Writing Academy

"I love you, sis."

My heart shattered when I saw her close her eyes. Knowing she won't open them again.

My world crashed.

My heart and soul died with her.

This isn't over. It can't be. I won't allow it.

They killed her. And I will kill them. Someday.

But for now, all I could do was run. So I ran.

As far as I could. As fast as I could.

Now, I am just a walking corpse. Living to get revenge.

Spin-off: Moon Goddess Daughter.

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When it all started
“Um, should I go with this outfit?” I ask myself. I take another look in the mirror at the white t-shirt I chose to evidentiate my forest green eyes. Just kidding, my entire wardrobe consists of white t-shirts and black jeans. I’m not a fan of colors. I like to keep it simple. Feeling content with the way I look, I exit the bathroom and gather my books. Today it's the first day of school. I glimpse at the outside world through the window and notice it’s raining. I’d better grab a jacket. I love rainy days; they keep me calm and give me a feeling of peace and melancholy. While finishing packing my backpack, I hear soft steps from the hallway. I immediately recognize the scent... it was my little sister Ava. No words can describe how much I love Ava. I’m very protective of her, it must be our five-year difference, or not, I don’t know, but she’s my everything. “Reyn, mama is calling you to eat.” Ava says. Reyn... that’s my name. My father chose it, and I’m thankful for that. The name gives me confidence. I turn around and smile at my five-year-old sister. She looks so much like mom. Besides my name, I also got my looks from dad. Ava has blonde hair and blue eyes, and she's short like our mother. I’m the opposite, having black hair, and forest green eyes, and though I can’t say I’m tall, I’m definitely over average height. Ava is also extremely sensitive, which is crazy for our kind since we’re naturally strong, and by my kind, I mean werewolves. I can’t wait to change into my wolf form. Unfortunately, I still have to wait six years, though, since we get our wolves at sixteen. But I’m sure I already got her strength since I’m too powerful for my age. I walk to Ava to give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. “Good morning, love. Did you have a good sleep?” I ask. “Yep!” she answers happily. “Let’s go eat.” She looks up at me and gives her puppy eyes. I immediately know she wants something; Ava knows I can’t resist them and takes full advantage of it. “Piggyback me?” she begs. “Ah, how can I say no to such a cute little being?” I ask before lifting her and walking to the kitchen. “Good morning!” “Morning, sweety! Ava, let your sister have a break, would you? She is always carrying you around! Don’t you have legs?” mom exclaims. “It’s okay, mom. I always carry her around because I want to. How can I say no to those sweet blue puppy eyes? How can anyone say no to them?” I ask my mother. I put Ava down, grabbed a waffle from the table, and saw that dad was again stressed. “Dad, what’s wrong? Another attack?” I ask anxiously. My dad owns 'CYC Corp' one of the biggest companies in the world. We’re also one of the biggest and strongest packs, the Howlers pack, with my dad being the Alpha. So, we experience many attacks on the company and pack alike. Dad is terrified that our enemies will join forces to take over us. “Yes. They’re getting stronger by the day. I don’t know how long we can resist them anymore,” dad answers with a sigh. Just when I’m about to answer, a warrior from our pack enters the house scared, barely breathing, probably from the running. “Alpha! We’re under attack and outnumbered. Almost all the warriors are dead already, and they’re coming to the packhouse as we spe-.” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. His head is ripped off by a rogue and thrown at my father’s feet. “Get out of here!” my father yells at us to run and shifts into his wolf form. He fights the rogues but dies shortly after when a hunter cuts off his throat with a silver blade, which is deadly for werewolves. My mother falls to her knees, overtaken by grief; the pain of losing your mate is immeasurable. Another hunter comes up behind my mother and slices his silver blade through her heart. She falls to the ground, dead. Everything happens so fast that I don’t even have time to react. In front of me are my parent’s lifeless bodies, hunters and rogues slowly moving towards us. I protectively push Ava behind me. One of the hunters laughs at me and comes to us with his blade, ready to kill us. I move Ava away from him and grab the knife; it’s burning my skin and makes me want to scream in pain, but I’ve got to protect my sister. I pull the blade out of his hand and cut his head off. A rogue tries to come at me, but I use the knife and put it into his heart, making him fall to the ground lifeless. When I’m about to take the blade out, another rogue jumps on me, his claws move across my neck, making me bleed and scream in pain. I’m about to give up, but when I see one of the hunters take Ava, the adrenaline takes over me. With all the strength I have left, I take the rogue’s neck in my hands and break it. When I try to get up to go to Ava, two hunters take me down, and once again, I’m on the ground. I try to get back up, but the men hold me very tight and start cutting me with the silver blade. My sister is terrified, I hear her screams, and I’m powerless. With all the strength I have left, which isn’t much, I call out to her. “Ava.” It comes out more like a whisper, but it’s enough for everyone to hear it. “Stop!” I hear a male voice screaming, and the two hunters that are cutting me stop but still hold me tight. “Put her on her knees!” The two hunters follow his order and put me on my knees. I see a rogue slowly approaching me, his eyes full of hatred and anger. “You little s**t!” he yells and slaps me hard. “You killed my brother! I was about to go easy on you and your sister but if you want it hard, then let’s make it hard.” He gives me an evil smirk and turns around to face the rogues. “Shift!” the man yells, and in less than a minute, all the rogues take their human forms, standing in front of me n***d “You, all of you will r**e that little girl while this one over here will watch!” "No..." I tried to scream, but all it came out was a whisper. On command, the rogues approach my sister and start ripping her clothes off. I feel numb. I can't even move. I watch them r**e my little sister, and I can't do anything. She’s screaming and crying. I can feel her pain, but no one cares. With her last breath, she whispers to me: “I love you, sis.” My heart crumbles when I see her close her eyes, slowly realizing she'll never open them again. My world crashed, heart and soul dying alongside her. I can’t let it end like that. They need to pay for what they did. I need to avenge my family. But all I can do now is to run. I don’t know where I get the strength to do it, but I do. I get the hunters off of my back, and run as fast as I can, and as far as I can, not looking back once. The rogues lost my track a long time ago, but I can't stop running. After what feels like forever, I finally stop, and when I do, all the pain hits me. I have no pack, no family, no heart, or soul. I’m just a walking corpse living to get revenge.

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