CHAPTER 43 Giving Ground

1093 Words

  I didn’t want to, but it didn’t seem to matter what I wanted. My body seemed all too willing to do what he asked.   “Don’t scream…” He said and I felt a tightening in my throat that indicated he’d stolen my voice.   As the icy water surged over me, I wrapped my hands around my body and panted for air. Immediately shuddering under the wake of the cold dousing. It was so chilly it was nearly painful against my skin. Each cold drop feeling like a tiny painful prick over my goose bumped skin.   “Wash yourself.” He said dismissively.   I tried to jump out of the bin. But at the tensing of my body, he put up a flat hand that formed a wall around it.   I can’t get out. I clawed at the invisible barrier. Trying to escape the water, like an animal fearing drowning.   “It hurts.” I croaked a

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