Khalil's Downfall

1521 Words
Khalil’s envoy left the message with a soldier at Metro’s palace before shifting and running back to Ravenwood. It was not long before the message reached Metro’s ears that his children were being held prisoner by Khalil, and it was either submit or save his kids. He could not care any less about those brats of his. He had more children and the means to make many more when he wished, being the king. But this Lycan prince dared to send this threat to his kingdom, where his children were beloved by its people. He could not appear to be weak, especially since now he was certain that one of his children was dead. Somehow, he could feel the death, as if a cold chill up his spine, but with Amber and Mecca being twins, he was not sure which one was left. “Gather the army. I’m getting them back," he commanded his beta and second in command. Within the hour, Metro’s army, led by Metro himself, marched to Ravenwood. Metro always knew one day this would happen, and he made sure he made a plan for this very moment. Before he left, he opened a glass case that held a syringe with special water he had acquired not long ago. It would be his ace in the hole with a bag in his hand, currently listening to the sound of Metro pounding on his castle doors, demanding he release his children. “Let him in," he said, linking some of his soldiers. It was not long before many soldiers stood in the throne room. Khalil glanced outside and could see thousands more waiting outside. He linked his sister to stand guard over Nia as things were about to get bloody, and he linked another pack member to bring Amber from the cells. He was certain Mecca would not stand down simply for Amber, but he didn’t want her in his palace any longer. What if she hurt Nia one day when he was not here? “Where are my children?” Metro demanded to know. Khalil felt his dark nature stir inside of him, but he decided to play the diplomat for now. “Your children tried to spell my mate and me. I assume, under your orders, Metro. Sadly, things didn’t go that well for them," Khalil simply said and tossed the black bag towards Metro. The head of Mecca rolled out of his, stopping at his feet. Metro looked into the dead eyes of his son, disappointed and mentally calling him weak. He looked up, not in rage over his son, but in rage at the disrespect. At least he now knew which child died. He lifted Metro’s head for all his soldiers to see. “You see this. This is the mercy shown by this man, whom some of these wolves call a prince." He said it aloud, and the growls of every wolf present were heard loudly on Metro’s side for the lycan who killed their prince and on Khalil’s side for Metro disrespecting Khalil, their own prince. “Where is my daughter?” Metro demanded to know. Khalil only smirked as he heard the footsteps of his soldiers and Amber. She was unconscious on the shoulder of one of the soldiers. Jewel had broken her bones in many places, and Amber was bloody. Khalil knew Jewel would inject Amber with wolfsbane, a toxic chemical that would prevent Amber’s body from healing too fast, as werewolves had a natural ability to heal a bit faster than humans, although Lycans could heal twice as fast as any wolf. The soldier tossed Amber towards Metro, and Metro caught her, seeing her weakened state and seeing her black veins. With any luck, the b***h will die, he thought to himself, and he ordered his soldiers to take her to the side. Khalil watched in amusement, his darkness slowly seeping back into his mind. He simply wore all black, with his black katana laid by his throne, ready to grab it the moment Metro attacked, and from the looks of it, the disrespect of presenting his broken daughter was the last straw. Metro turned back to his soldiers. “Are you sure this is the route you want to take, Metro? I won’t hold back," Khalil said to him. Metro looked at Amber, then his soldiers, before turning his attention back to Khalil. “Kill everything in sight. LEAVE NO SURVIVORS”, Metro’s voice bellowed out loud and in the pack’s minds. “So be it," Khalil said, linking everyone in his pack. “Kill them," and so it began. Wolves upon wolves from each side descended upon each other as Khalil stood up, with no other purpose than finally ending Metro. Grabbing his katana, he joined the battle. The battle raged on, with snarls, growls, and claws clashing in a frenzy of fur and steel. Khalil sliced through Metro's soldiers with ease, his katana slicing through the air with deadly precision. As the fight intensified, Khalil spotted Metro amidst the chaos, his eyes fixed on the king with a singular focus. He shifted into his lycan form, ready to end the war once and for all, but fate had other plans. With a mighty roar, he charged towards Metro, which Katana raised for the killing blow. But just as he was about to strike, a sudden pain seared through his side. He stumbled, his vision blurring, as he felt a cold, numbing sensation spreading through his veins. "Compound 20," Amber’s voice whispered in his ear. She had taken it from her father’s pockets. noticing the vial of liquid her father kept secret and knew it was Compound 20. There was only one vial, which was why her father kept it out of anyone’s reach, but Amber knew. She knew her father would kill her as well, as she had failed to secure victory for the palace on her own or with Mecca’s help. Metro was surprised. He had not felt the vial being taken out of his pocket, and he certainly had not expected Amber of all people to be the one to inject it into Khalil. Her mind was always set on marrying and mating with him. Metro now looked at his daughter with a new kind of respect as they watched Khalil. Khalil's mind raced as he stumbled, his Lycan form faltering. Compound 20 is a rare, deadly poison specifically designed to target Lycans. It was said to be virtually untraceable, and its effects were irreversible. Compound 20 was a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few in the supernatural world. It was rumored to have been created from the venom of a rare, ancient serpent, and its effects were gruesome. The poison would slowly paralyze Khalil's Lycan form, rendering him vulnerable to attack. With a surge of adrenaline, Khalil fought to maintain his form, but it was no use. The poison was too potent, and he felt himself succumbing to its effects. Nia's eyes snapped open in the hospital room, her senses screaming that something was amiss. She had fallen asleep, but her body was still tired from the overuse of her failing powers. She was told by the doctor that she was dying. Jewel also revealed it was because she did not receive the proper faerie training, and she unleashed a curse upon herself by killing the entire Lightwood pack. She was to die within a year, but it seemed to be happening much quicker than expected. She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over her. Jewel, noticing her distress, rushed to her side. "Nia, what's wrong?" " trouble," Nia whispered, her voice weak but urgent. Jewel's expression turned grim. "I'll go to him. You stay here, Nia." But Nia shook her head, her eyes fixed on some distant point. "No, I have to go to him." With her effort, she threw off her covers and stumbled out of the room. Jewel supported her, letting Nia get on her back. She knew Khalil would be upset with her, bringing Nia into the chaos, but she could not leave Nia here alone, unprotected. There were still hidden spies in the palace. They raced through the palace, Nia's mate Bond guiding her towards Khalil. As they approached the battle-scarred throne room, Nia's powers surged, sensing the darkness gathering around Khalil. She pushed off from Jewel's support, her legs trembling, and burst into the room. The scene before her was chaos. Khalil lay paralyzed, Metro's sword raised for the killing blow. Amber stood nearby, a look of triumph on her face. Nia's eyes blazed with fury and determination. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed her faerie powers, summoning a blast of energy that sent everyone flying back from Khalil's body. The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on Nia as she struggled to stay upright. Her magic was almost spent again. "Nia!" Jewel rushed to her side, supporting her once more. Nia's gaze locked onto Khalil, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hold on, my love. I'm here."
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