Chapter |5|

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K N O X ‘ S P. O. V Deviance isn’t like every other strip club. It’s far from the seedy cheap establishments that I used to frequent in my 20’s. Bored and looking for some quick entertainment. There’s a queue that wraps around the building, bouncers at every entrance, only allowing in those who look like they have enough cash to finance the entire place. I guess that’s why Geneva is so goddamn rich and powerful. He’s catering to the elite and horny of Vegas. A few shots inside, a glance at a set of nice t**s and their wallets are his for the taking. “I’ve got a meeting with Geneva,” The balding security guard murmurs something into his earpiece, forcing me to wait patiently. I hate the chill of the night that creeps up my spine, not used to being out so late these days. Normally I spend my evenings watching rugby and drinking whiskey - ending the night passed out on the couch. “Follow me,” He nods to the other bouncers, who takes over his position, leading me into the fog clouded club. I almost choke on the thick vapour, narrowly avoiding hoarded of drunk men with their tongues wagging out at the naked girl who dances lazily around the pole. In my head, I’m clocking the way out of here. Memorising the best exit routes in case s**t goes bad. In this world, everything turns to s**t quicker than you realise. I learnt that the hard way. The spiral staircase leads us to the upper floor, the emptiness a stark contrast to the bustling atmosphere below. I wait as he knocks twice, only opening the door once the boss seals his approval. “Ah, Mr Carter.” “Knox, please.” He nods to the guard, who leaves silently, shutting the door behind him. I sit in the chair opposing him, taking the glass of scotch he offers me. “So, a Scot’s man?” Aaron warned me it would be like this. Polite trivial chit chat before business goes down. I f*****g hate it. “Aye, born and bred.” “But you live here now,” “The Romanos are friends, my family and the Black’s have deep seated history. It made sense to move here, take my position within the business.” “And what business would that be? The prominent shipping company with net worth over fifty million or the criminal enterprise with rooted mafia ties?” I smirk, downing the harsh liquid. “You’re making yourself a tidy little profit in drugs, I hear.” When he doesn’t respond, I reach across the table to grab the bottle, refilling my glass to its brim. “My bosses don’t particularly like how you’re stepping into their territory.” “I thought New York was their territory.” “The USA is their territory, but the western region more specifically. All known drug dealers know to pay their dues, yet you haven’t even reached out to us. We’re a bit hurt, you see?” “Nevada is my home. My kingdom. Surely we can work out some sort of arrangement.” “My bosses want Nevada too. You’re getting rich here Edmund, just because of location, now that’s not fair on the people who have actually worked for this.” Instead of looking scared, he laughs, funnelling my rage that urges me to grab the 38 strapped to my calf and end this s**t here. “I press the button under my desk Mr Carter and this place is flooded with my men who won’t hesitate to kill you. This is my business, and selling and dealing is how I maintain it. I won’t hand it over but I’m willing to make a deal, so…you’re choice.” I bite down on my tongue hard, reminding myself that right now I’m supposed to be conducting business and not an execution. “Fine, I’ll hear you out.” “Drugs are how my girls stay loyal to me. Most owe me debts, have addictions they couldn’t afford to sate, so when they couldn’t pay it back anymore, my guys would call me and they would be offered a choice.” I scoff, “Death or work the pole.” “Close.” My brows furrow, as he reaches under his desk. A bunch of cheques hit the desk, the prices making my eyes wide. “There’s money in stripping, don't get me wrong, but escorting is where the real cash is.” “Prostitution.” “They prefer escorts, anyway the girls pay back the debts faster and triple the nightly wages.” “How much do you get from the cut?” His lips curl up. “80%, they get the other twenty. It’s considered interest on top of what they owe me. It works, I’ve had six girls this year leave my establishment debt free.” “And how many c***s were they forced to suck to do that?” He shrugs, uncaring. “They make the choice when they go to my dealers. Now, what I want to know is if the Romano's want a piece of the pie.” “p**********n isn’t exactly their forte.” “But strip clubs can be. Everything would be legitimate under that but the money coming in would be from both sides of the business.” “And what do you get out of it?” “I want to be the official distributer. I want to be a partner.” I can’t help but laugh. “Seriously? You're a low life scum, barely an entrepreneur that owns a few strip clubs in Vegas, and you think you’re ready for the big leagues.” “I have contacts everywhere, yes I’m based in Nevada but I can expand. Increase profits through the drug trade and you get a cut from here too.” Desperation seeps off him. He wants out of the gutter, wants to be the big man in New York attending boring investor meetings where he has a chance to show off. “Let me discuss things with my boss. I’m in Nevada for a few weeks so we can talk later.” As I rise, I clasp the bottle in my hand. He nods, “Keep it.” “Oh, I was planning too. See you Geneva.” “Wait,” He hastily pushes in front of me, glancing down at the hoard below. “My best girl is about to go on stage, treat yourself to a dance. Sample the product.” I scoff, about to push past him. “No thanks.” “Just stay for the dance then. You’ll know she’s worth the money men pay, you’ll know it’s a good business once you see her.” I’ve really got nothing better to do tonight since the tv at my crappy rental apartment refuses to work. “One dance.” There’s a tiny booth tucked away in the corner that I acquire. I groan as the strong scent of smoke hits my nose, pulling at the urges to light one of my own. Instead, I grab a lollipop and stuff it into my mouth, praying the sweet strawberry will defuse the need for nicotine. A few guys spare cheap laughs at me, but I ignore them, alternating between taking a swing of the bottle and sucking on the lolly. The lights dim down, and the thick fog softens to billow lightly across the air. “She’s your favourite, I know she’s mine. It’s Lilliana!” Men scream like banshees, wetting themselves like they’re thirteen year olds at a Taylor Swift concert. All I can make out of is a soft silhouette, as she dances behind a dark screen. Rouge lips and creamy skin come into view when she moves into the light, face concealed with a black lace mask that drives everyone feral. Her blonde hair is clipped back, emphasising her perky t**s that bounce in the sheer lace bra while she dances the pole. I shift slightly in my seat, uncomfortable as my c**k begins to rage for this mysterious entity. She mouths the words to the song, her lips parting delicately, allowing her tongue to peek out which fuels my need to stuff her mouth full of c**k. Shit. I’ve turned into every other primate that is sat here with his tongue wagging out. Then water sprays from the ceiling, dousing her completely. A few droplets hit me, but do nothing to calm the raging desire I harbour for this woman. Turning, she drops into a squat, her ass bouncing to the beat, before spinning back around, her body moving sensually to each beat in perfect rhythm. A beautiful f*****g temptress that I’m now a slave for. She moves forward, rewarding one of the front men with a dance. I find my knuckles clenching, almost cracking the bottle as an inane jealousy overtakes me. I want to know her. Need too. It’s insatiable, the hold she has on me. Just one intimate private audience. Nothing will happen. I just need to see her, maybe touch her soft silky skin for a moment but that’s it. Glancing up, I see Geneva watching me with a knowing smirk. Without having to do anything, he nods and gestures for me to follow. I pocket my phone, ignoring the texts that light up the screen from Aaron and leave the lollipop and bottle behind, wondering about what the f**k I’m about to do. ________________________________ A/N: Ahh!! Can’t wait to share the next chapter on Friday. Trust me, it’s a good one ?
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