Chapter Four

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Caedan’s POV I’m grateful to be back at Zavaria Castle. We had fun traveling through the kingdoms visiting with everyone. Still, it has been tiring a bit too. I know even my all-powerful wife has been struggling a bit even though she has been healed from having our twins. I haven’t been able to help feed them during these past two months of visiting because she hasn’t had the time to pump her milk. I still thank the universe every day that I have her and our babies. I know she wants to do something for me for my birthday, but I meant what I told her. Having her and the twins is all I could ever want. “Does daddy’s little princess have wiggle feet?” I cooed down at Krianna as I was trying to change her. Her feet are wiggling about, and it is the cutest thing. She is looking up at me grinning. I was able to change Ziran and he fell asleep once he got a fresh diaper on. I laid him down for a nap. I took Krianna from Zariah to change her as well, but she seems a little more awake than her brother. Zariah has been taking her spare moments to pump her milk to build up a supply again. She’s currently sitting on the couch in our room reading from one of the tablet devices with the br**stpump attached to each one of her br**sts suctioning out her milk. I was able to maneuver around Krianna’s active feet to put a fresh diaper on her. I fixed her clothes and picked her up. She cooed at me once I had her in my arms. That just melts my heart every time either one of them makes a vocalization. “Are you going to go to sleep for daddy?” I asked. She had a look on her face that said I could try, but she was not going to go down as easily as Ziran had. Zariah’s cell started chiming for a text alert. She couldn’t reach it on the coffee table where it was resting, so I walked over and picked it up to answer. Mistral was sending a message. Can you have an extra room made up? We have another guy joining us. We’ll be there soon. I texted her back, this is Caedan. Why do you have someone else coming? “Who’s that?” Zariah asked. “Mistral.” “Is everything alright?” She asked. “I think so.” I replied. After about a minute more of silence, the phone began ringing and I could see Mistral’s name pop up on the screen. “Hello.” I answered. “Hey,” Mistral responded. “Explain to me why someone else is coming?” I asked. “Jared ran into a friend from school and to make a long story short. He was training with us this morning and in a comment, Lumina accidently mentioned how Earth’s alcohol wasn’t as strong as Gradia Ale. He kind of freaked and I trapped him with air bindings. I had Jared put him under a sleeping spell because he wasn’t cooperating with us. I had Jared awaken his blood. I gave him the choice to come or have his memories altered.” Mistral explained to me. “Do you want me to come and glamour him?” I offered. “No, at least not now. Jared changed into Drios, and he seems to be reluctantly deciding to see things through for the moment. I don’t know if we can trust him fully yet, so we may have to keep an eye on him. Since it was my decision, I will take that responsibility.” She told me. “Nonsense. We can help watch him.” I replied. “He somehow thinks he may be a wolf too, but we can’t tell. I think that is the only reason he is sort of cooperating with us right now.” She confided. “Is everything alright?” Zariah asked me again. “Hold on.” I said to Mistral. “Mistral is saying a friend from school of Jared’s ran into them and Lumina accidently exposed our world to him. Mistral is planning to bring him here to Zare.” I let Zariah know. “What is his name?” Zariah asked. “Zariah wants to know his name.” I said. “His name is Galen.” Mistral responded. “She says his name is Galen.” I told Zariah. “Wow.” Zariah commented. “Caedan, we are preparing to come. We’ll be there very soon just gathering things and need to make sure to check the security barriers around the property.” Mistral said. “Okay, we’ll be waiting for you.” I replied. “Bye.” She said. I told her bye before hanging up with her. “Galen, huh?” Zariah questioned. “That’s what she said. Do you know him?” I asked. “A little bit. He hung around with Jared a lot. He played sports, and I know he went into the military when he graduated.” Zariah told me. “Do you think he is going to be trouble?” I asked. “I’m not sure. I mean he teased Xander and I a few times when he was hanging out with Jared, but other than that, he wasn’t mean to us. I don’t think he was really mean to anyone else in school, but I am not sure.” She replied. There was a knock on the door. I moved to answer it while still holding Krianna in the crook of my left arm. Kindra was standing there with Kayne. Kindra was all smiles at seeing Krianna and before I could do anything, she lifted Krianna out of my arms as she walked past. I should be used to this by now, but it still surprises me a little bit each time it happens. Kayne just gave me a knowing look and smiled. I returned the smile. Kindra carefully sat down on the chair to Zariah’s left with Krianna. Kayne moved to take the seat on the opposite side of Kindra’s chair, and I sat down next to Zariah. It took a little getting used to the guys seeing Zariah’s br**sts exposed while feeding or pumping, but it has become common place. They stick to looking in her face to show her respect. There have been a few times when Kayne or Xander especially have had to help her when she was feeding the twins. If I wasn’t with Zariah, it is usually Kayne or Xander protecting her and the twins. However, as Kindra has gotten further along with her pregnancy, Kayne has been splitting his time more. There was another knock and I got up to answer the door. Xander walked in with Venus and Bella following him. Venus and Bella trotted over to Kindra and Krianna, first sniffing at Krianna before moving to the cradle with Ziran and lying down at the bottom after they checked on him. “Yes, he’s sleeping.” Zariah said to them. I was hoping I would be able to communicate with the dogs once Zariah started to realize her true potential and power, but alas, she is still the only one who can hear them speak to her. They have been attaching themselves to the twins since we returned because they couldn’t come with us when we visited the kingdoms. Xander came into the room and leaned over the back of the couch to kiss Zariah on the left side of her head. “Xan, Galen is coming with Mistral and the rest of them. Do you remember him?” Zariah asked him. “Yeah. It’s been a while,” he commented. She nodded. “Why is he coming?” Xan asked. I proceeded to explain to him what Mistral told me on the phone. Zariah had finished pumping while I explained things to him. She removed the br**stpump and pulled her bra and shirt back into place to cover herself. She got up to take care of the bottles she pumped and such to put up and clean up after herself. Zariah used the powder room and then came back into the room. “Let’s go meet them. Mistral said she was going to be here soon, right?” Zariah commented. “Yeah.” I replied. “What about the twins?” Zariah asked. “I’ll stay with them.” Kindra offered. “Thanks sis.” Zariah said as she kissed the side of Kindra’s head much as Xander had done when he came in the room to greet Zariah. Zariah was standing still for a few seconds. She must be communicating with somebody through the telepathy or mind link she gave everyone the ability to communicate through now. “Stowne, Luke, Avala, and Kalan are going to meet us in the courtyard.” She told us. I know Zariah wants to meet up with Gavin’s parents to welcome them to Zare, and she is excited to see Luke, Jared, and Xander’s parents too. Lily and Alex have been a big part of her life too on Earth. We started to make our way to leave, and Kayne remained seated. I turned to look at him. “You go. I will be there soon.” He said. “Okay,” Zariah responded. We walked to the courtyard though Zariah and I could have teleported. We’re walking though because Xan is with us. We didn’t have to wait too long before the portal began opening. I recognized Gavin’s parents and I had to assume the man that was holding Hayze’s hand was Galen. He looked a little stoic, like he was unsure if he could process all that was happening to him. “Do you believe my sister now?” Zariah said in a commanding tone to Galen. He stood there and stammered some not being able to articulate a response. There was some back and forth for a few minutes after the sisters manifested their dragons and Kalan manifested Drift. Zariah made a statement that she needed to feed the twins and teleported away. I absorbed Aelia and Ayella before following her. She was lifting Krianna out of Kindra’s arms as she lifted her shirt and moved her bra so Krianna could feed. Ziran was still peacefully sleeping while Venus and Bella laid at the base of the cradle vigil as ever. We filled Kindra in on what happened as Krianna ate. She was intrigued too that Galen is a shifter, though we won’t know until he shifts what he will be. I have to admit to myself I am curious as well about what he will be. Krianna spit up a little on Zariah after she finished feeding her and Zariah was about to burp her. I took Krianna to burp her so Zariah could change. She put on a rainbow tank top. Zariah dropped her dirty shirt into the dirty laundry. We changed the twins again because Ziran had woken up, but he wasn’t hungry. Kindra followed us to the throne room so we could finish helping with anything needed for the Halloween Dance tomorrow night. Aquara and Jarrett snatched up the twins when we arrived in the throne room. Kindra had decided instead to go and lay down for a nap. We were working on the tables to sit at and decorating them now that the rest of the decorating around the room was finished. Zariah paused as she was working on a center piece for one of the tables. “What’s going on?” I asked in the mind link. “Jared can’t find Mistral anywhere. I contacted her and she’s out running near the pond. I’m going to go meet her to see why she was blocking everyone apparently from contacting her.” She told me. “Did you tell Jared where she is?” I asked. “Yeah, but I told him to wait until we got to the main courtyard.” She replied in my mind. She kissed me quickly and teleported out of the throne room. “Where did Zariah go?” Stowne asked when she approached me. “She went to go run with Mistral. Something may be bugging Mistral.” I replied. “Where?” “Near the pond.” Stowne turned and made her way out of the throne room quickly. I smiled. I love this family I married into. We are all so supportive of each other. Krianna was beginning to cry uncontrollably so I went over to Aquara to see what was wrong. “What’s wrong?” I asked Aquara. “I think she is tired, but my son keeps kicking her every time I try to rest her on my chest to allow her to sleep.” Aquara said. Jarrett was holding Ziran, and he had fallen asleep in Jarrett’s arms, so he couldn’t help much. I stretched my arms out and took Krianna from Aquara. “See, that is why you shouldn’t fight daddy when you should be taking a nap sweetheart.” I said softly, but a little sternly. She looked up into my face and I cradled her in the crook of my arm. She was still fussing a little, so I walked around with her gently bouncing her. Soon she was asleep as I walked around the throne room helping out as much as I could. Great Grandma Lumi kissed the top of her head as we passed by her. It was a long day by the time we began to settle down for bed. Zariah suggested we have a family bath, which I agreed to once she had fed the twins. We got them settled down for the night even though it is late now. Zariah had gone into our closet to put some clothes on for bed. She was eyeing one of her night shirts when I entered the closet. I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She moaned softly. She tried to turn in my arms, but I held her in place. “Caedan.” “Hmm.” I responded and grinned into her hair. I moved her robe from the left side of her shoulder and kissed her skin. Her body shuddered at my kiss. I love how responsive she is to all my attentions to her. I was painfully hard. I continued to kiss, lick, bite, and suck at her shoulder and neck, drawing more moans out of her. I pushed her robe to the floor and ran my hands all over her body as I continued attending her with my mouth. I picked her up and took her back into our room. She began making the same attentions to my neck as I walked towards our bed. My legs wanted to wobble a little bit by feeling her mouth on my body. I set her on the edge of the bed. She quickly stood and pushed me back onto the bed. I love it when she takes control. She lowered herself to her knees and loosened the towel at my waste, freeing me to her hands, eyes, and her sweet mouth that she lowered to my erection. She flicked her tongue out and soon I was lost as she pleasured me with her mouth and hands. I tried to lift her many times, but she swatted my hands away and sucked me deeper, eliciting a deep moan from me every time. In the end, all I could do was run my hands through her still damp hair. She brought me to my release, and she drank every last drop of me. I was going to return the favor, but she climbed up my body and straddled me. I laid back as she rode me, pleasuring her body. I wanted to caress her br**sts, but they are really sensitive, and she made a sound of uncomfortability when I tried to caress them. She shook her head, so I just gripped her at her hips instead. Her moans got deeper the closer she brought us to a climax. I thought I was going to achieve another release before her when her body started tightening and she had tremors flowing through her body as she came. I thrust up into her body a few more times until my orgasm hit me. Zariah collapsed on my chest, and I just let her lay there gathering herself again as she came down from her orgasm. When our breathing returned more to normal, I lifted her and tucked her into her side of the bed. She was mostly asleep by then. She murmured a little before I covered her with the blanket. She should have let me take the lead instead of exhausting herself that much more. I turned to check on the twins and I saw the clock and what time it was, and I broke out in a huge grin. The little vixen. I thought. It was officially my birthday. If she plans on starting all my birthdays like this, I am not going to complain one bit. I chuckled on the inside. I used the powder room and washed my hands before crawling into bed next to Zariah. I pulled her to my side, and she turned and rested her head on my chest and my heart felt such joy. I closed my eyes and I heard a whimper come from Ziran. I paused for a few seconds to see if he was going to continue. He was silent. I do enjoy that I have learned the difference between which one of them is crying and what most of their cries mean. Zariah was up before me feeding Ziran because Krianna was still sleeping. It was still really early. I checked on Krianna and then made my way to sit next to her on the couch. I leaned over and kissed her. “Happy Birthday!” She said softly and smiled. “Should I assume last night was my present?” I quieried. She smirked. I sat there talking with her until Krianna started fussing from the cradle. I got up and got her. “Trade you.” I chuckled. She returned the chuckle and detached Ziran from her br**st. She passed me Ziran, and I handed her Krianna. I took Ziran to the changing table and changed him. I pulled out clothes for him from the chest of drawers below the changing table. I dressed him while he wiggled and smiled up at me. I lifted him and he was all smiles. It was time for breakfast. “Hey, little man, since your sister is still getting her breakfast. How about you and daddy go and get some breakfast for mommy?” I asked him and he was all smiles, so I took it as a yes. “Sounds like a plan then,” I commented. “Shouldn’t I be catering to you today?” Zariah asked. “You’re busy we can go and get breakfast that way you can relax a little longer before today really gets started.” I replied. “What about greeting guests?” She asked. “I will greet them until you are rested a little more. You wore yourself out giving me my present. You need your energy and tonight might be a longer night, so getting some extra rest won’t hurt.” I reasoned. Zariah nodded after she took a few seconds to ponder what I had said. “That settles it. Come, let’s get mommy some breakfast.” I said to Ziran, and he was all smiles as I tucked him into my side and made my way out of our room. I was certain Zariah might fight me about getting a little more rest. It is a relief she didn’t. Avala and Kalan were the first to arrive at breakfast. “Where’s Zariah?” She asked. “Feeding Krianna.” “Oh. Are you bringing her breakfast?” “We both are.” I commented. She smiled. “Give me my nephew. You could better make a tray without juggling Ziran as well.” She offered. I handed Ziran to her. She began talking to him and playing with him. Kalan stood and started filling another tray of food. “I’ll help bring breakfast to Zariah,” he said. I nodded. We had food trays filled in a few short minutes. Avala and Kalan followed me to our room. Avala carried Ziran for me and opened the door when we got to our room for Kalan and myself. Zariah was at the changing table dressing Krianna. She smiled as we brought in the trays of food. Avala and Kalan joined us, and we all occupied the twins while Zariah ate her fill. Her appetite hasn’t decreased since having the twins, but I am sure it is due to feeding the twins. She lost all the extra weight though her hips held a little curve that she didn’t have before her pregnancy. Of course, her br**sts are still bigger, but other than that, she practically has the same body as shortly after coming to Zare when she began training daily. I wouldn’t care regardless, because she was just as beautiful to me even when she was big because of her pregnancy. Avala and I took the twins to the throne room so we could start greeting guests. We wanted Zariah to have peace and quiet to get some more sleep. Kalan took Venus and Bella to his mom to train with the other dogs. Lumina took Ziran from me when we got to the throne room. All of the sisters were in the throne room except for Zariah, Kindra, and Aquara. I can’t say I blame them. Zariah is tired from tending to her motherly duties and Aquara is probably going to have her son any day, while Kindra won’t be far behind Aquara. The sisters guided our guests to their rooms when their kingdoms arrived. Their parents guided the people of Vosan to their rooms when they all arrived, and we told them where their rooms were. Jarrett did the same for Ciresea. He joined us once Aquara had finished eating and was tucked back into bed to rest. I jumped up and ran to embrace my mom when the people of Varyn showed up. She had told me that her sister Veilen was watching over the kingdom even though Dusk wanted her mom to come. I hugged Dusk after I let go of my mom. Xander was right behind me snatching Dusk up in his arms and kissing her. I am so very happy for my cousin. Zariah joined us later in the morning. She looked much better than this morning. We put invisibility barriers on the decorations and sides of the room to be able to surprise people when they arrive for the party tonight. I have noticed people trying to look around and seeing a little disappointment on their faces, which means they will be shocked tonight. Regardless, everyone is in a good mood and that is all we could ask for. My mom snatched up Zariah once she joined us and has been occupying her time since, especially when we aren’t greeting guests.
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