Chapter Six

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Jared’s POV Mistral squeezed my hand as Hayze came back over to us. I gripped her hand gently in return. I reached out and grasped Hayze’s hand and spun her into us as a fast-paced song came on. She smiled and I proceeded to dance with both Hayze and Mistral. Mistral let me focus a little more on Hayze to keep her smiling. Hayze is tough, but at the same time sensitive. I think Hayze is into Galen but she doesn't know how to react around him. I twisted Hayze out to Mistral, and they began dancing around in a small circle with each other for a couple of turns. I grabbed Dusk’s hand and spun her into their circle and Xander grabbed Stowne’s hand from Caedan and spun her towards me as I then spun her to her sisters. This is what all of us guys did to get the sisters in an inner circle of us. Even Kindra and Aquara had joined us again. We grabbed their hands and spun them into us and then spun them back to the inner circle, moving around and grabbing the next sister’s hand and continuing through their circle. All the sisters were grinning and laughing as we passed them through our outer circle. Sometimes we got two sisters, but we didn’t mind. The music finally turned to a slow song, and I grasped Mistral and Hayze. Hayze wrapped her left arm around the back of Mistral's waist and Mistral wrapped her right arm around Hayze's waist at the back. I stepped forward and rested my arm around their waists as they placed their hands on each of my shoulders for support. We all swayed slowly together. Xander reached over and snatched Hayze up to dance with Dusk and himself. I pulled Mistral into my arms, and she grinned at me. “She really needed that,” Mistral said in my mind. “I know. Galen is a fool if he can’t see what he will gain with her. I have never seen Hayze react that way to anyone ever.” I responded in her mind. “Neither have I. I'm concerned. She doesn’t know how to act around him. She has told me as much.” Mistral replied. “I think he realized he f*cked up before he left. Let him approach her. We’ll be on standby to help catch her and support her if she needs it.” I said. Mistral nodded and leaned her face to mine. I captured her lips and kissed her as we continued to slowly sway. I feel like electricity is sparking all over me. I have always felt this way with Mistral, but it almost feels like it has intensified now that we have been intimate with each other. Last night was the best sleep I have had holding her in my arms. I grinned against her lips. “What are you thinking about?” She asked in my mind. “You.” I replied. She smiled against my lips, and I deepened my kiss by slipping my tongue inside her mouth to taste her more fully. The song ended and she broke my kiss. She was grinning at me, and I returned it. We walked Hayze back to her room after the party was wound down and we were ready to seek our beds. There is still some partying, but it’s way past my bedtime. I walked Mistral to her room. She opened her door and then tugged at my hand to pull me inside. I was smiling like a fool on the inside. She closed the door and locked it. She had me quickly pressed against the door and her lips on mine. Man, do I love this woman. I wasted no time in unzipping her dress. I caressed her *ss when I got her dress zipper all the way down. I pulled her into me and let her feel how turned on I was. She stepped back from me and let her dress slip down her body. I began grabbing at my clothes, tearing them from my body as I stared at her. She had nothing but her bra, underwear, heels, jewelry, and crown still on. She did begin to remove her crown and jewelry, setting them where she normally keeps them. It gave me time to get my tux off without damaging it. She was standing at her chest of drawers placing each piece onto the spot it belonged. I had removed everything except my pants and boxer briefs. I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants as I came up behind her. I caressed her skin, leaning in and kissing the back part of her neck between her shoulders. She sort of flinched away at my lips touching her skin there at first, but then she leaned back into me as I kissed and nipped at her skin there. I wrapped my hands around her front, pulling her flush against my body. I ran my left hand up to cup her br**st. My right hand moved down and underneath her underwear. I could feel how wet she was before I could even slip a finger inside her body. She had braced her hands against the chest, pushing her body into mine. I used my left hand to push my pants and boxers down. I kicked out of them. She moved her neck to the side, and I kissed and sucked as she moaned and wriggled against me trying to push my fingers deeper inside her. I licked her earlobe. “Jared.” She said on a whispered plea. “I’ve got you.” I whispered into her ear as I then sucked her earlobe into my mouth, causing her to dip down and into my body. I was able to unhook the clasp on her bra with my left hand. I threw it on the floor. I then pushed her underwear down as far as I could without ending what I was still doing to her. I pulled her waist away from the chest, causing her to need to bend. I removed my right hand from her body, and she made noises of protest. I grinned as I adjusted myself and lined up for her entrance. I thrust forward, filling her deeply. She cried out with pleasure as I filled her body. She tried to move but I held her in place. She struggled with me trying to move. “Jared.” She said with a tone that meant she might do something if I didn’t give her what she wanted. I chuckled softly. “So greedy,” I said. I began moving and it seemed as if she became putty in my hands as I molded her skin and body to fit my hands and lips. She was gasping and moaning, calling out my name. She began pushing back into me more with each thrust, using the chest as leverage. My groans of pleasure mixed with hers in no time. She arched her head back so I could claim her lips as I increased my pace. I could feel her tightening around me, and I reached between her legs and began rubbing her cl*t. She was practically screaming her pleasure, which was my name, in some sort of garbbled way as she tried to breathe too. The rush of her climax flowed over me as she screamed my name clear as a bell. I continued to thrust into her, riding out her release, which brought mine to completion as I spilled myself into her body. I had groaned out sounding like I had growled when I found my release. I think it is the side of me that is Drios. It makes sense to me. I slipped out of her body as we were still catching our breath. Her legs dipped like she couldn’t stand. I picked her up and took her to her bed. I laid her down. I removed her heels and underwear. She giggled and I grinned. I pulled the blankets down under her and she helped. I climbed onto the bed, hovering over her. I leaned my head down and kissed her before sliding into the blankets behind her. She turned and snuggled her head to my chest. She gripped my left hip and held on. I stroked my hand from the top of her head, down her hair, and along her back. “Jared, where the f*ck are you?” I heard hollered in my mind from Luke. “Why, what is wrong?” I asked. “Get your *ss to the medical room now Aquara has gone into labor.” He ordered me. Oh sh*t! I thought. I don’t have any clothes other than my tux here. I tried to wiggle out from under Mistral without waking her. I wasn’t successful. “What’s wrong?" She asked as she saw me frantically trying to pull my boxer briefs on along with trying to straighten out my pants so I could put them on. “Aquara is in labor.” I said exasperatedly. I pulled my pants up. I need to get to my room so I can get some better clothes on,” I said. She nodded and I ran to the door, unlocking it and leaving quickly. I heard the door slam because I was in such a rush. I ran barefooted to my room, slamming that door open and running into my closet. I was holding my pants up with my hand, so I didn’t have to undo them again. I let them fall to the floor in my closet and grabbed a pair of my scrubs off the hanger closest to me. I snatched a pair of my sneakers and quickly slipped them on after I got my scrub pants on as I was pulling my shirt down over my head. There was a commotion outside of my door as I realized Mistral had gotten Hayze up and Hayze was approaching me while Mistral was hollering that she would wake everyone else. Just then, Galen’s door opened. He was standing there in his boxers. Hayze looked at him and he looked at her. I wanted to do something, but Hayze gestured her head for me to go. I burst through the door. Aquara was on the exam table sweating and breathing through a contraction. Jarrett was wiping the sweat from her face and holding her right hand. Luke was still preparing things. I quickly washed my hands and dried them. Luke put on the protective outer apron that protects my scrubs and he gloved up my hands as well. I am going to take the lead on this birth. I could hear that her contractions were close. There was a ruckus in the hallway. Luke went to look. He was probably talking with the sisters. “I need to check and see if you are ready to push.” I told Aquara. She lifted her legs for me, and I helped put them in the stir-ups attached to the exam bed. I reached forward and inserted my fingers to check her dilation. She was ready to push. The door opened as I began grabbing the medical instruments I would need that Luke set out. Her water had broken so I didn’t have to do that. “I’m here.” I heard as Zariah took a place on the other side of Aquara. I looked at her and Zariah nodded at me. “Okay Aquara, when I tell you to, I want you to push.” I instructed her. “Uh huh.” Was all she could get out through her clenched jaw. The door opened again, and the goddess Camenae entered. “Who are you?” Zariah demanded. “I am Camenae my queen.” She replied. Zariah’s face turned to one of understanding. Camenae approached Aquara and smiled down at her. She placed her hands on Aquara’s stomach. When she finished, she stepped back and smiled and left the room. It was as if time slowed, but as soon as Camenae left, controlled chaos ensued. “Push.” I commanded Aquara. She did as I counted out for her. “Rest.” I ordered her. Jarrett and Zariah helped Aquara as best they could. We went through twenty minutes of Aquara pushing. Her little prince was being stubborn. “Come on Aquara, a big push.” I ordered her. She did as she screamed through it. Finally, his head popped out fully. “Rest.” “He’s almost out another really big push Aquara, you can do it.” I encouraged her. Zariah and Jarrett were encouraging her. Aquara lifted herself and they supported her back as she pushed with all her might. His shoulders popped out and he slid the rest of the way fast out of her. “You did it.” I hollered out in excitement. Luke was helping me as I had with Zariah’s birthing. Jarrett was next to me as I worked to clear his lungs. Soon he let out a huge cry and Jarrett and Aquara began sobbing. Zariah was rubbing and kissing the side of Aquara’s head, congratulating her. Luke took the little prince to weigh him and clean him off more. Jarrett was kissing Aquara. “I need you to push, one more time Aquara, to get the placenta out.” I told her. Luke asked Jarrett to cut the umbilical cord and Zariah helped Aquara with her last push. Their little prince was still crying until Luke had him wrapped in a blanket after Jarrett cut the cord and Jarrett lifted his son into his arms. He had tears streaming down his face as he snuggled his son into him. He brought him over to Aquara as I finished tending to her. Camenae came back in with Thorne and they spoke words to probably start healing her. I had to cut Aquara and put a few stitches in, but if it is like Zariah they will be out in hours. I watched as Jarrett, Aquara, and Zariah cooed over the little prince. “You did so good sister.” Zariah told her. Jarrett kissed Aquara once more before moving to the door. Luke opened it for him and held it open. “Prince Darya has arrived.” Jarrett beamed at everyone in the hallway. There was an uproar of happiness. “How are you feeling, Aquara?” I asked. “So happy. Thank you!” She said a little tired. “Are you ready to move to your room?” Zariah asked her. “Our bed is a mess. My water broke while I was sleeping.” Aquara told Zariah. “Well, you could wash up and I’ll have your room cleaned up, that is if we can get your husband and son back.” Zariah said with a chuckle. Aquara joined her and I chuckled too. I sent Aquara to her room so Jarrett and her could bathe Aquara and their son better. Aquara carried her son as Jarrett carried both of them. The hallway had emptied probably to go and help clean up their room for them while they bathed. The door opened as I was cleaning up. Luke had gone with to help Aquara if needed. “Do you want some help?” Galen asked. I turned. I shrugged my shoulders. “No need,” I replied. I spoke a spell and cleaned the room fast. “I gotta learn how to do that.” He commented. “You need to learn respect. I thought being a marine taught you how to respect people, but I may have misunderstood,” I commented. He hung his head. “I know. I f*cked up.” He replied. “Well, its good to know you need to fix things.” I responded. “I need to apologize to Queen Hayze. I just don’t know how to do it where she knows I mean it. I saw how badly my words hurt her. I was too blind to see she really was just trying to help me.” He said. “Prove to her you are worthy of forgiving.” I told him. “Do you know those women tried to get into my room after I left the dance last night?” He commented. “No, I did not. What did you do?” I asked. I was worried he let them in because that would really probably hurt Hayze. “I kept silent until they finally left.” He replied. I had a mental sigh of relief. “You should try to go rest you have a big night ahead of you tonight.” I ordered him. I walked with him because my room was next to his. I went into my room and into my closet to change my clothes. I wasn’t sure if Mistral would want me up and down from her room the rest of the night as I checked on Aquara and Darya. I made my way to Aquara and Jarrett’s room after I changed. It looked as if Zariah and Caedan were sending everyone to their beds so Aquara could feed Darya. I moved to the bed where Aquara was now lying. “How are you feeling?” I asked. “I am good.” She replied as she was getting help to feed Darya with Zariah’s instructions. “Can I check your stitches or did Luke check them after your bath?” I asked. “Luke, checked them for me.” She replied. “I’ll come and check on you both soon. Should you need me, just mind link me.” I said. She nodded. I began to move to leave, and Jarrett stopped me with his hand. He pulled me into a tight hug. “Thank you.” He said in my ear. “Anytime,” I replied. I patted his back a few times before he released me. He took my hand in his firm grip and shook it while giving me a look of utter appreciation. I smiled and he returned it. I opened the door and Mistral was standing there across from the doorway waiting for me. She smiled and I smiled. “Let’s go to bed.” She said as she took a couple steps towards me. I was stepping towards her too. “Are you sure? I can sleep in my room. I don't want to continue to wake you as I check on Aquara and Darya.” I offered. She moved up on her toes and kissed me. She took my hand and I let her guide me to her room. I was so exhausted, all I could do was remove my shirt before I collapsed on the bed. I felt Mistral pull the blankets over me. She then climbed in on the other side of the bed and settled herself down. I can fall asleep fast, so I barely felt her kiss my forehead and tell me she loved me before I was asleep. I woke a few hours later. It was just before breakfast. I hadn’t realized I hadn’t been sleeping long before I was summoned to help Aquara as she gave birth. I put my shirt on and slipped on my shoes. I gently knocked on the door and opened it carefully. I made my way to Aquara’s side of the bed. Jarrett opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me. “I’m just checking on her,” I whispered. He nodded. “Can you help me? I need to check her stitches. They may be ready to come out and if I can take them out while she sleeps, I won’t have to disturb her later.” I asked. He got up and made his way around the bed to not disturb their son. I pulled the blanket down carefully to not disturb her. “Just hold her legs apart for me.” I instructed him in a whisper. Her cut had healed so I moved to the bag Luke left in the room to tend to her and I removed gloves and the instruments I would need to remove her stitches. I would have healed Aquara, but Thorne beat me to it. I made quick work of removing the stitches. I spoke a healing spell to make sure she would be fine. I cleared out the mess I had made quickly when I had finished. “She should be good.” I told Jarrett. “Make sure she eats when she wakes.” I instructed him. “I will.” He whispered. I made my way back into Mistral’s room. I removed my shoes and shirt and crawled in beside her. I settled down and then reached over and pulled her to my side. She murmured my name and settled back into her sleep. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I love you,” I whispered to her. That made her snuggle deeper into me and I was all for that. I closed my eyes and that was the last thing I remembered. I woke up and Mistral wasn’t beside me. She wasn’t even in the room with me. I looked at the time and it was a little past nine. She was probably with Aquara. I made my way to their room and, surprisingly, no one was in the room. “They are in the dining hall.” One of the Ciresea guards informed me. “Thanks.” I responded. He nodded and I made my way to the dining hall. It looked as if breakfast had been delayed, which was fine with me. I took my seat next to Mistral and began filling my plate. I was starved. Zariah's POV My parents took Ziran and Krianna to their room so Caedan and I could enjoy the party and have time to ourselves. We made our way to our room before most of the rest of my sisters had decided to leave. I had plans for Caedan. When I got into the room, I began removing my jewelry, crown, and heels. I presented my back to Caedan, "Can you help me unzip my dress?" He stepped up behind me and slid my zipper down. I was planning on removing my clothes and telling him he could have me any way he wanted me, but he jumped the gun. He slid my dress down my body, grazing my skin with his fingertips. Goosebumps broke out all over where his fingers grazed my skin. He turned me in his arms and lowered his head, claiming my lips with his. I pushed him back a little to break the kiss. "Are you going to tell me what you want for your birthday present?" I demanded seductively and smirked. "Zariah." He said a little hoarsely. "Yes." I teased with a sultry tone to my voice. His eyes were smoldering with his lust. I moved to kneel down in front of him. He stopped me by grasping my arms and yanking me back to my feet. "It's my birthday and I want to taste you." He rasped. He picked me up and had me resting on the edge of the end of our bed instantly. He grasped my underwear and slid them down my body, freeing me to his gaze. He grinned down at me as he lowered himself to settle his head between my thighs. My orgasm came fast and powerfully. He looked up at me and smirked. I realized I was in for a very long night if I read Caedan's expression correctly. Caedan began removing his clothes slowly as I stared at him. I was supposed to be pleasing him and here he is teasing me as he removes his clothes. I know what he looks like. I have memorized his body, but my eyes still appreciate just looking at him. My body appreciates everything else he does to it. My legs were intertwined with Caedan's when a pounding knocking came at our door. I groaned, as I had just fallen asleep not that long ago. Caedan only stopped because I fell asleep after the last orgasm I experienced when he had me against our wall. I had lost count of the orgasms by then. He had carried me to bed and tucked me in. I entwined myself around him in a brief moment of clarity before falling back asleep. Caedan got up and put a robe on before answering the door. "Aquara is in labor!" I heard Mistral exclaim. I saw Caedan nod and close the door fast. I shot from our bed and ran into our closet to find some clothes to put on. Caedan joined me immediately. When we teleported to just outside the room, there was a discussion between my sisters as to who was going to be in the room with Aquara. "I'm going in the room." I declared. My sisters' faces snapped at mine and they all nodded. I felt I was being greedy, but I just wanted to be there for her almost like I felt compelled and it needed to be me. I entered the room and took a spot on Aquara's left side. Jarrett had a little look of anxiety on his face, but he was doing his best to hide it. "She is going to be fine. Your son will be fine." I told Jarrettt in his mind. He looked into my eyes for a quick second to nod and we worked as a team to help Aquara. Soon a woman I didn't recognize dressed in a green dress of many shades of green entered. "Who is this?" I asked Luke because Jarrett was laser focused on Aquara and could not comprehend. Jared is busy as well, so I figured Luke would be able to help. "That is Camenae." He replied in my mind. Oh, I hadn't realized. Some flashes from my labor and after came back to me and I now remembered I had seen her. Everyone had been telling me about her, but I couldn't remember easily. It was all fuzzy when I tried to concentrate on Camenae's part in birthing my twins. My nephew has hair similar to his Aquara's coloring of several blues and some sea green, which makes her hair look like water. I think he got a bit more sea green like his father though. Jarrett and Aquara are both over the moon with happiness. I am very happy for them as well. Caedan and I told our sisters to go to bed and I guided Aquara to help with feeding Darya. I left their room and almost collapsed to the ground once the door closed. Caedan caught me and lifted me into his arms. I didn't remember anything further than Caedan lifting me up. I must have fallen asleep in his arms and he carried me to our room and tucked me back into our bed. We woke after eight and I informed everyone awake that breakfast would be delayed and we would have it soon. Caedan did explain that I had fallen asleep once my head rested against his shoulder. He did as I suspected by carrying me to our room and tucking me into bed. I contacted our parents to bring Ziran and Krianna to me so I could feed them. I was engorged with milk and my br**sts were becoming a little too painful. Caedan helped situate me with the twins on the bed so I could feed both of them together. He prepared clothes for them along with fresh diapers to change them and dress them. It turned out to be a much longer night than I had realized it was going to be. I don't regret any of it. Caedan made love to me in any way he wanted to please both of us many times over. The cherry on top was getting to see our nephew being brought into this world. Tonight we find out what Galen is as well. I am curious what he could be and how he will take to me truly being his queen, regardless if he decides to return to Earth to live out his life. I continued to ponder things when Caedan took Krianna because she finished eating first. Today will be another long day. I thought.
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