Chapter 1

1810 Words

Chapter 1 I'll admit it, I was a little intimidated at the idea of facing my first winter on the North Shore. Not that my hometown of St. Paul, Minnesota, was much further south or anything. I had walked to school on days when the air was so cold it hurt to breathe. I knew all about the importance of warm boots and layers of clothing. I had spent more than my fair share of hours shoveling snow off of driveways and sidewalks, snow that was measured in feet, not just inches. And even warm and safe indoors, there was the dryness of the air to deal with. Every doorknob was a shock hazard, and my fine red hair would spark when I combed it and needed a ton of product to prevent it from being in an electrified cloud around my head all day. Still, the North Shore. Lake Superior. The gales of Nov

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