Chapter 19

1603 Words

Chapter 19 Now I was really confused. Why was Roarr of all people coming in the door? But of course, Nilda had smelled the same thing in the air when he had walked away from Lisa Sorensen's house as we'd all smelled when I was lured away. Two people could be using the same spell on the same evening but targeting different people, but it didn't seem likely. Still, what did Halldis want with Roarr? Then he walked past me, and I flinched on the inside. Did I look like that? All blank and zombie-like? "Have a seat, Roarr," Halldis said, getting up so he could take her chair. He did as he was told, but his eyes never left Halldis'. They were full of raw emotion, pleading at her to do something. "You have something to say?" Halldis asked him, then turned away from him, her arms crossed as

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