Chapter 6

1844 Words

Chapter 6 The first thing I had to do was get rid of the audience. They were making me too self-conscious to even figure out where I should start. But how could I ask them all to leave? The eyes tracking my every move were deeply suspicious, Sorensen and Nelsen both. "Andrew!" Tobias called suddenly, and I turned to see Andrew Swanson walking towards us, hands buried deep in his jeans pockets, the wind off the lake tossing the locks of his dark blond hair around. He looked up when he heard his name to give Tobias a wave, but then he saw me standing there next to Tobias and quickened his steps to join us. "Ingrid," he said. His mouth kept twitching, and I gathered that he was suppressing a smile for me because of the gravity of the moment. "When did you get here?" "Just a minute ago," I

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