Chapter 15-2

1493 Words

The two exchanged looks, an awkward silence hanging in the air. Yui looked like she was about to add something but she reconsidered, instead clearing her throat and readjusting her posture. I guess she’s giving me the go-ahead? And yet, Yuuki hesitated to just gleefully dive in her lap. “I feel a little embarrassed.” “W-Wow. You have emotions?” “Can you not make me sound like some robot in front of my little sister?” “It does sound like some freaky fetish play when you put it like that.” Mina fist pumped in the corner of Yuuki’s eye. Here goes nothing. He placed the side of his head on Yui’s lap, a soft, warm sensation spreading across his cheek. He then buried his face in her thighs, releasing all the tension in his body as a shaky voice came from above. “Wha-What’s with the pose?

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