She also wore a black bow, a black blouse, a black skirt with red patterns and black thigh highs. Yui typically dressed in bright colors but today she went full black.
“Weird seeing you in black.”
“Figured I’d reveal Lyucifer’s true form, since apparently I’m literally the devil now.”
“It suits you. Cute fit.”
Yui quickly concealed her mouth as a smile began creeping up her face. She put on a neutral look before removing her hand. “Don’t even bother, us demons are immune to flattery.”
“Demons? Weren’t you Lyucifer? Also, didn’t you just smile?”
“No? A short burst of air came out my nose. Nothing more.”
“Like when people smile?”
Yui stuck her tongue out before quickly pulling it back in. “That’s for Rio!” She then punched Yuuki’s shoulder.
“Ow, and that?”
“That? That’s for making light of the yes ticket.” She said, proceeding to slap him across the face with said yes ticket.
“Remember how you said it’s ‘not worth the effort’? Because I do.”
“Surprisingly vindictive, I see.”
“Learnt your lesson yet?”
“Of course.”
“Show me.”
Yui stuck the yes ticket out, bringing the conversation back full circle. Yuuki heaved a heavy sigh, pressured by Yui’s intense stare. “Okay, fine.”
“That’s the spirit!” She said, awfully joyful for the literal devil.
As the kind observer, I suppose I should go along with her antics. So long as it helps improve her mental state, even if in a miniscule way, I’m fine with it. Yuuki thought.
“So, what do you want me to do?”
“Today, my friend, you’re going on a date with Lyucifer!” Yui enthusiastically declared.
Yuuki tilted his head after a brief pause, asking, “You’re using the yes ticket to go on a date... with me?”
“Wh-What? No! We’re not going on a ‘date’ date! We’re going on a... pretend date, yes, pretend date! Practicing for the real deal, you know? You’re merely a stepping stone, okay?” Yui rapidly fired in a flustered frenzy.
Is it really good practice for the “real deal” if your partner has to do whatever you say? Yuuki thought, choosing to remain silent for his own sanity.
“Alright, let’s take it from the top.”
“From the top?”
“I’ll go ‘Sorry, did I keep you waiting?’ to which you’ll smile and say ‘Not at all.’”
“Do I have to? That doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship at all.”
Yui froze, gazing up. She then put on a creepy grin. “I see you’ve given it some thought.”
“What’s with the creepy smile?”
“Very well, feel free to improv.”
Yuuki felt like arguing was pointless.
“Stay right where you are.” Yui said, disappearing into a crowd of people before popping back out with a smile. “Sorry, did I keep you waiting?”
“You did. You’re never on time, Yui. What gives?”
“This relationship is going to turn toxic fast, if you keep this up.”
You told me I could improv, so I merely stated objective facts.
Yui turned serious. She placed her hand against her forehead, closed her eyes and sank deep into thought, only to raise her head almost immediately. “Whatever, good enough. Off to our next destination!” She pointed toward the station, marching off by herself.
For all the enthusiasm, the reason behind her tardiness remained unknown. Although, knowing Yui, she probably just couldn’t decide if she really wanted to go all black or not.
“Whatcha standin’ around for? Get a move on, will ya?” Yui turned back and started nagging.
Yuuki had no choice but to catch up. “Where we going?” He asked, walking beside her.
“Over... there!” She said, pointing at a large department store neighboring the station.
Despite standing out and being situated in a prime location, Yuuki never really went there that much.
“It’s rare to see you be so upfront about where you want to go, Yui.”
“I’m not Yui, I’m Lyucifer. Forget that and you’re dead, gone, toast!”
“I think I like it better this way.”
“Y-You do?” Yui looked over, as if trying to gauge his reaction.
Much preferable to her complaining about my lack of planning again.
“Buckle up then, ‘cause we’re coming in hot!” Yui exclaimed, all hyped up as they entered the store.
While Yuuki curiously looked around, Yui confidently walked over to the escalator. He obediently followed, going up to the third floor.
Yui then got off, spread her arms wide and said, “First up, clothes shopping!”
“I’ll be at the bookstore a floor up if you need me. Lat–”
“Hold it.” Yuuki turned around, only to get his sleeve grabbed. Yui brought her face up close in an intimidating manner. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re supposed to do as I say, remember?”
“But... I don’t need clothes.”
“What’re you, a kid going clothes shopping with his mom? I need you so you can go ‘that’d look great on you’ and ‘you’d look cute in that’, got it?”
“Ah, I see how it is.”
“What’s with the condescending tone?” Yui rattled off, bringing the yes ticket up to Yuuki’s nose. “See this? Want me to stick it up yours? Hmm, tough guy?”
“That’s now how you use a yes ticket.”
Yuuki, preferring not to have a piece of paper stuck up his nose, obediently followed Yui into a clothing shop.
Yui, likely having come here many times before, wandered the place with confidence in her step as she abruptly turned to Yuuki and asked, “Alrighty, what do you think’d look good on me?”
“Try thinking for yourself, for once.”
“Wrong.” Yui said, flashing the yes ticket like some kind of lucky charm. “You’re supposed to say ‘you’d look cute in anything.’”
“Do you ever feel a little dead inside, saying stuff like that?”
“No, never felt more alive.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you’d look cute in a spandex suit? Wow.”
“Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, please.”
Growing tired of her nagging, Yuuki pointed to a nearby mannequin. “That looks good.”
“Does it? Or did you just pick whatever was closest?”
Lyucifer was surprisingly sharp.
Yui gave him a skeptical look as she fell deep into thought in front of the logoed t-shirt and short denim skirt wearing mannequin. “No. This doesn’t really scream Yui to me.”
“What does it scream then?”
“What? Hmm. Mina, maybe?”
Yuuki didn’t really agree. Mina was indifferent to clothing, wearing whatever happened to be on hand. Not like she needed much of a wardrobe anyway, being allergic to going outside. Yet she also, hypocritically enough, liked to give other people crap for their choice of clothing.
“What do you think?”
“Hard to say. Mina rarely ever goes clothes shopping.”
She made Yuuki go buy her panties when her previous pair ripped. Yuuki, of course, ordered them off the internet.
“What clothes does she wear then?”
“She doesn’t... wear a wide variety, just the ones mom bought ages ago. Hasn’t grown much since then, although she has started complaining about tightness around the chest area recently.”
“Cheeky little brat.” Yui said, pouting.
Maybe she doesn’t wear clothes because she has none? Yuuki thought. Mina would mix and match the same few pairs of clothes over and over, never complaining about it once. I understand they mean a lot to you but they’re all rags by now.
“Maybe I should take her clothes shopping someday. O-Or I could give her my hand-me-downs.”
“Thanks, for looking out for Mina.”
“D-Don’t mention it.” Yui played with her hair, facing away only to immediately turn back, her eyes widening. “Nice try but I, Lyucifer, am immune to your tricks.”
“I’m not Rio, you hear? I’m not Rio.” Yui grumbled, giving Yuuki the cold shoulder as she looked through a clothes rack full of skirts. She picked one out eventually and began fiddling with the hem. “Look at the fluffage, the fluffage.”
“Looks good.”
Maybe, I don’t know. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
“The color isn’t very Lyucifer, though.”
“Guess I’m past my prime.”
“Like an expired prime rib?”
“Yes, like an expired prime rib now can you please say ‘I’m sure it’d look super good on you, Yui’?”
“I’m sure it’d look super good on you, Yui.” Yuuki obediently repeated.
An awfully satisfied smile spread across Yui’s face. “Oh, alright. Let me go try it on then.”
“I’ll be at the bookstore a floor up if you need me. Lat–”
“Hold it.” This time she grabbed him by the arm, bringing her face in closer in an intimidating manner just like before. “Are you doing this on purpose? Is this just a joke to you?”
“No, I’m just a little confused. What am I supposed to do while waiting?”
“Nothing. You’re supposed to stand there and wait.”
“That’s it? Sounds boring.”
“Go do squats or something, I don’t know.”
Living up to the name I see, Lyucifer. s******c as ever.
Yui picked up an additional short sleeved top before heading inside the fitting room but her hands were full and she seemed to be struggling with her bag.
“Let me hold that for you.”
“Hmm? O-Oh, thanks.” Yui seemed surprised at first before suddenly breaking into a smile. “Plus five Yui points. Keep up the good work.”
“What’d you put in this? Feels awfully heavy.”
“Minus one hundred Yui points!” Yuuki’s Yui points vanished in an instant. “Actually, give it. Don’t want you peeking inside.” She said, taking her bag back and placing it on the fitting room floor.
She’s probably hiding her joke book in there, if I had to guess.
“Once I throw open the curtain, you’re going to shower me with hella praise. Capeesh?”
“Hella praise?”
“Hella hella praise.” Yui said as she went inside the fitting room, closing the curtain, only to immediately poke her head out. “Go away please.”
“I’ll DM you once I’m finished changing.” Yuuki gave her the “are you serious?” face. “L-Look. I don’t want you hearing me u-undress.” She said, her face turning light pink.
“Awfully sensitive for the literal devil, no?”
“S-Shuddup! Off with you, shoo!” Yui waved him away.
Yuuki saw no point in arguing, so he did as he was told.
Bored, Yuuki left the clothes store. He leaned against a railing, absently gazing down at the floor below.
He suddenly whipped his head around, feeling as if he was being watched, yet there wasn’t a single familiar face among the passersby. Must’ve been my imagination. He thought.
“I beckon thee, minion!”
A few minutes later, Yuuki received a cringy DM from Yui, so he returned to the fitting room and called out to her.
“Voila!” Yui threw open the curtain, appearing in a light pink dress and white blouse.