Chapter 2

2102 Words

Tempted By R.W. Clinger It happened: the end of the world, or close to it. Something like that. Quarantine for six weeks. March 16 through April 31 of the f****d-up year of 2020 and Covid-19. Some with a sense of humor called it The Book of Revelation: A Broadway Musical. Others thought Hell’s mouth had opened wide (show me those back teeth, pretty boy) and was just about ready to swallow us whole. There were some who thought the virus was a gift from aliens and an invasion was going to happen, or our own US government was killing us off, one by one. I can tell you it wasn’t The China Palace down on First Avenue who created it; they make awesome eggrolls; God bless ‘em. And I might be a liberal, but I’m pretty sure the virus wasn’t created by the Republicans, because as many of those ele

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