Josh was the first one up, as usual, and he quietly got ready for the day, letting Maya sleep until her alarm went off. He had a test in his first class, and he couldn't be late, so he planned to leave right after she woke up. As he closed her bedroom door, his phone rang. "Hey, why are you calling me so early? Shh, honey, don't cry. Tell me everything." He brushed his teeth as he listened to the crying woman on the other end of the phone. "Okay, calm down. Did you call the police? Give them a call and make a report. I have to go to my first class, then I will go straight over. No, it's okay. Honey, listen, I will take care of everything. Just take some deep breaths, and don't look at it. I know. This is your baby, and I helped you get there and will help you take care of everything. I ju