[After One Year...] The Imperial Castle, a grand and enigmatic palace, loomed on the outskirts of New York City, enveloped by a lush forest. Its towering spire nearly grazed the city’s skyline, casting an ethereal silhouette. Bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, it emanated an eerie and chilling ambiance. “Agh. Hot...” Maddie muttered. She was now dozing off on the massive cushion in the English-style bed. Heavy perspiration was gently flowing down from her delicate face and landing on the corners of her lips, and her slim body was wrapped in a magnificent white gauze with a fine-textured covering all over it. The white gauze that was wrapped around her arm was drenched in sweat, giving off an alluring and seductive style. "Aghh! Fck..." she mumbled something as she groggily awoke fr