Chapter 24. It's a question of yes or no.

1433 Words

When he came into the office of Mason. Mason was very happy to see him. He had not called for him since he said he would come on his own. So, he was happy that he finally came because from how he sounded when he said those words, it was proved that he did not mean them. "So tell me how things are going?" "Very well, except for the fact that I received some words of yours yesterday and I am yet to act on them because I haven't gotten a confirmation from you." "Well, keeping that aside. She can stay for the time being but I'm not yet sure how long it will have to last." "But bro, what really made you say those words?" "Like I said, let's keep that aside. You told me that Edythe was not married according to her. How true is that?" "I can say that is very true to the best of my knowledge

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