Chapter 68. Ahh, I forgot to tell you.

1151 Words

Now Ann was very surprised, this was very strange. "Miss Edythe told me that she was moving out of Quebec and she also texted me her new I address which I have gone twice just to see her." "You are still lying to me. I just saw Edythe and she does not seem to be someone who is living outside town." "That can not be true. Edythe did not mention coming back to Quebec for whatever reason." Ann doubted this. She knew the reason why Edythe left, and before she left, she told her that she won't come back again. "Can you call her now and ask her where she is?" "Yes sir." Ann agreed as she did not believe what he was saying. He also did not believe her either. Edythe was one of his best employees and he did not like the idea that she left the company. If it were the payment, he would have in

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