Chapter 119. Hamilton's fiancée.

1453 Words

He knew that was the same way Hellen fell asleep so he thought Edythe was going to do the same so when he felt that she had closed her eyes, he too would tighten his eyes. But Edythe would say, "Open your eyes Hami. I am not sleeping," and she put some popcorn in her mouth and also in his. This continued till the end of the movie. He was not allowed to close his eyes and Edythe did not fall asleep as he had thought. She loves horror movies so could not dare sleep when one was playing, especially while in a cinema. It just reminded her of school days with her friends who used to go with because Hamilton never went with her. When they came out that was when Mason waved him and Edythe and they came close to greet him and his family. "You made it," Hamilton asked Mason. "I should be the

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