Chapter 56. Corresponding lies.

1377 Words

Not up to two minutes the phone of Elsie began to ring again. It was John who was calling her, he had grown weary because of the way Rica had hung up the call, so he had to call back to know if his sister was okay. As Elsie picked up the call, she said, "Sorry for making you worried. I am okay. It was a mistake." "Are you sure?" John wanted to confirm. "Yes. Very sure." Now John had peace of mind because he could feel the peace in the voice of Elsie. So he had to return to work. Rica was still looking at Elsie very strangely with too many thoughts going on in her mind. "I know you are confused as to why the number did not go through the day you tried it?" Elsie asked Rica and she nodded her head. Elsie had come to figure out why the call did not go through when she used her mother's

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