Chapter 72 The Checks

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"You guys ... together?" asked Melly in a forced voice that sounded flat. In fact, she had been suspicious ever since she saw Lea and Jayden coming together. Jayden treated Lea very well, pulling out a chair for her and waiting for her to sit down before he sat down himself. He also always watched Lea's movements carefully. Melly wanted to ask, but held back because she didn't want to hear an answer she didn't want to hear. When Lea finally introduced Jayden as her mate, actually Melly could already guess. She was irritated because she felt Lea was playing her, waited for her to make her point, then refused with a reason that was hard to argue with. However, she is not Melly Eich if she just gives up. "Yeah, we've been together since I came back to Sky High," Lea said calmly. "Jay

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