Chapter 34 I am Ready

1900 Words

Lea stared at her phone screen with relief. An account named Bam-bam has posted a video showing Lea arriving dramatically and being on the catwalk at the last audition. The video garnered a lot of praise, even from people who previously blasphemed Lea. They praised Lea's appearance and questioned the Flower agency's policy of not proposing Lea as a representative to appear on the Deluxe International show, and some even formed the opinion that the Flower agency was trying to hinder Lea because she was a new model. Lea was happy because finally people thought positively about her and many of them even gave her support. It excited her. He thanked whoever had posted the video. Lea thought maybe the account named Bam-bam was also the same person who had recommended her to Weldinson. Lea

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