
1324 Words
My eyes widened. “What are you doing? Stop him, take that back. You promised not to shoot her.” I screamed in panic. Ophelia smiled darkly, one side of her lips curling up. “I changed my mind.” “You can’t. Please.” I crashed to my knees, my whole body shaking in fear. My mother would be less than a minute from that parking lock at this point. The first pang of pain hit me, slicing through my belly, reminding me of my babies and the danger we were all in. I bit my lips and clutched her legs. “Get off me.” She kicked me off. “Please. Stop him. Please,” I screamed. I could feel it already, the blood trickling out of me. If I could not get to the hospital, and she killed my mother, I would have lost it all one day. Then I heard the sound of the gun go off from her phone. For one moment, I could not move. I was too shocked to. I did not want to believe what I had just heard. “It’s done, ma’am.” The hitman said. I reached out and yanked at Ophelia’s legs, bringing her down beside me. I tore at her face and hair. “Get off me, you wild cat.” She screamed, trying to fight me off. The door burst open, and a maid stood in shock staring at us, surprising us. Whatever she saw, made her turn white. She turned and ran. I let Ophelia go, and looked down. I was now kneeling in a small pool of my own blood. Opehlia struggled up and backed away. “You’ll die here.” She screamed at me, and before I could react she ran out the door and locked me in. I became more aware of the pain now. My abdomen, thighs, waist. It cut through me and partially blinded me. I groaned, digging my teeth into my lips till it bled. I had to get out of here. I could not let my mother die in vain. I struggled to the door. There was no way to open it. It was not a lock you could manipulate with a pin. I closed my eyes, trying not to fall as I began to feel dizzy. Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead, and at every minute interval I felt a sharp pain slice across my uterus. “Damn it.” I screamed as my body convulsed to the iron fist that suddenly squeezed my belly, trying to eject my babies out. I was not sure how much blood I had lost at this point. But the room now looked like a crime scene. I was dying. It was not just the babies. My strength was leaving my body very quickly. My eyes fell on the window. Could I do it? My bedroom was at least three floors above. I bit my bottom lip. I was dying anyway, I preferred to die with a struggle at least. I grabbed a scarf from the closet and tied it around my abdomen. If anything, the pressure would ensure I did not pass out before I could escape. I chewed my bottom lip as tears streamed down my eyes. I leaned down. Even if I lost it all tonight, I had to survive to make Ophelia pay. I managed to get down, carefully using the railing on every floor’s balcony on my way down. It was difficult. With the level of pain I was in, I should have gone mad and fell to my death. I glanced up and saw trails of bloodstains leading back up to my bedroom window. The mansion was quiet, as I ran out in an awkward gait. There were no guards patrolling the night. I sighed in relief. I did not trust anyone here, except the old Takeda-san, and those guards could be secretly working for anyone in this large family. In this state it would be so easy to finish me off. I tried to run in the windy night as my hair got in my eyes again and again. When I got out of the mansion, the tarred road was empty. This was a private residence and there was no other house within a mile of this place. I was not sure I could walk that far. I tried to fight my tears as panic set in again. I did not want to die like this. And what if at least one of my babies was still safe? I put all my energy into running as best as I could, my strength failing, and my bare feet sticky with the blood dripping down my legs. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car approaching. I turned, frightened, the car seemed to be headed straight at me and all I could see was its bright light. I tried to get out of the way, and lost my balance. A hand reached out of the car window, and grabbed me. Blaine pulled his hand out of her grip. Ophelia looked at him, then looked at everyone at the party. She exhaled in relief when she saw no one was looking at them. “What the hell is wrong with you? What is eating you up?” “I don’t know. Where is Olivia?” he asked. “She is with the nanny over there.” She gestured behind them. She could not help her frown. Olivia was all he cared about these days. He was completely different from the man who had chased her. She did not know how much longer she could stand this. He had nothing to be grumpy about. He had married her, the woman of his dreams, and the Takeda wealth was once again his. She turned as the party suddenly seemed to go into commotion. People were whispering and nudging themselves, and she heard Aunt Aoi Takeda curse from the back. “What the hell is going on?” Blaine asked, looking up. They saw the cause of the commotion together. She knew he saw it because she heard his sharp intake of breath. Ariel stood there, looking like a literal angel. What was more shocking than the fact that the woman was not dead, was the man she was standing with and making a great show of kissing. “Ariel is with Kan?” She heard Blaine say beside her. They all knew what this meant. The Takedas had finally lost the three-generation-long battle for supremacy over Mõshon group of companies. Choji Takeda, Blaine's uncle, walked up to stand beside her and Blaine. “This is exactly what I warned Otõsan would happen,” He seemed livid, about to burst in his fury. “So Ariel is the woman Kan Souji married in that private wedding he was rumored to have?” “I can’t believe this.” Blaine was looking at them with shocked eyes. “You caused this. You let her slip out of your hands,” his uncle turned on him angrily. “Better go ask questions. If she had your son, we are cooked. Do you understand me? The Takedas are done. The Soujis will never let that child go.” Ophelia felt like she was about to pass out. If anyone heard what she had done to Ariel to make her disappear, the Takedas would tear her to shreds. How had this woman not died? She turned back to look at Ariel who now stood at the other side of the hall. Ariel turned, and smiled darkly at her. I continued smiling as Ophelia quickly averted her gaze. One year, seven months and fifteen days. I had counted, and waited, and dreamed of this day. The Takedas would burn in the hottest of hell, and Ophelia would curse herself every day for not having finished me off that day.
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