Chapter Two

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When she opened her door the person she saw was her best friend who was all dressed up and had come to invite her to a club. Ife was not in the mood for partying or clubbing so she tried to make her friend Bola let her be. "No, I am going anywhere with you this night" She whined and use the duvet to cover her body but once again Bola jerked it away from my body because she knew Ife has been giving excuses for a long time now in other not to going clubbing with her. This night she wasn't going to give her that privilege of avoiding going to the club with her. " I am not letting you off the hook this night, so just shut your crap and get your ass off that bed, we are going out, you have been indoors for far too long, you need to live for once in your life." She said and walked to Ife's closet in search of clothes for me to wear to the club with her. " Girl, you need clothes, this here is all craps that I can't even give to a bagger, when last did you go shopping? We need to fix a day to go shopping. " Get out from there Bola, just go to the club without me" Ife cried out because Bola can be so mean when she is at it. " This club is a genuine kind of club you need to go to every day, this is a club full of people with the doped, what I mean is that there's cash flowing in that club. It is not every day you get to mingle with the rich, I am not letting you off the hook on this opportunity to meet people who can help you climb the ladder of success" She said adamantly and kept going through her closet in search of suitable clothes for Ife " Moreover, you can get a good guy there not someone like that sc*mb*g who almost destroyed your life." She continued to go through the clothes in the closet. " Yes, this clothing is perfect!" She screamed. "Bola...." Ife called " No complaint girl, we are leaving for that club now," She said and Ife gave up, talking to Bola was a waste of time on Ife's part, once her mind is made up, there is no going back, it's either Ife goes with her or she doesn't get to sleep again. I got up from my bed slowly and went into the bathroom to take my bath. My name is Ifeoluwa Peters, I am a graduate who is still out scouting for a good job to help me with my bill, I want to make it on my own and don't want to depend on my father for anything. Since he got married to my stepmother, he has abandoned me and never cared for me again. He disowned me when I was almost raped by that bastard saying I was a slut and that was why I was caught up in that mess. I struggled through school with my part-time jobs and nobody knows my true story. The only person that knows is my friend Tonia who has always been a true friend. She knows I hate the rich but she keeps pushing me in that direction. But presently, I am working in a cafe but hoping to get new employment as she will go for a job interview the next day. My work at the cafe does help to keep my bills going that is why I am still keeping it, like the saying goes, a bird in hand is better than two in the bush. If I am chosen as one of the employees for this new job, I will be able to save money and probably start thinking of something bigger. I am 26 years old and I don't have a boyfriend, so far, I believe men are never worth loving. They were selfish and wicked, I would never imagine being in any form of relationship with them. When I was through with my bath, I stepped out of the bathroom, Bola was sitting with my clothes in her hands, she was so impatient. I wasn't feeling like going out, I don't want to get into any relationship with anyone and I don't want to get involved with any rich guy, they always come with one problem or another. But again Bola was not going to let me stay home. I applied lotion to my body and brushed my hair before putting on the clothing she brought out from the closet. " What is this? I am not going to wear that!" It was a black gown with lots of openings, strapless hands and a V-shape opening at the back and front. I bought the gown a month ago and have not worn it since I bought it. " You need to look classy and pretty. It's not that bad, put it on" She commanded. I sighed and took the clothes from her and put the gown on. When I wore it, it was indeed beautiful, it hugged my body and expose my curses. " That's it! Baby girl, you will make heads roll tonight" She whistled at my appearance and pulled out my heels and passed It to me, I wore them and picked up my matching purse. I used my make a little bit and both of us stepped out of my house, we board a cab and went straight to the club, she didn't stop bragging about the club. When we got there, I knew immediately that it wasn't a place for me. It was for the wealthy, influential and famous. I hate associating with them because they are always arrogant. " Hey! are you sure we will be allowed in?" I quickly asked Tonia as we walked into the place. I don't want any form of embarrassment and I would have gladly turned back to my house and continued my beauty sleep. " We don't have to worry, remember I told you my brother introduced me to a guy some weeks ago, he was the one who asks me to come. We are going to be fine" She whispered and pulled me along to the door. The security by the door asked us so many questions before we were allowed to go in, it was annoying given the way they were looking at me like I was some tr*sh wrapped in a pretty dress in a place where I shouldn't be and this made me feel embarrassed but I remained calm as Bola was handling the issue. " Bola, you are here? " Said a man coming out from the club. The guard immediately gave way and allowed us in. Money spoke volumes, a lot of volumes in this club. " Hi, I am Robert." He introduced himself to me and stretched his hands toward me " My name is Ife," I said loudly against the music, giving him my hand. " It's a pressure, you are very beautiful," he said while he raised my hand to his lips and kissed it. I smirked at his approach, such a playboy and to think Bola's brother introduced her to this player. I smiled at him and withdrew my hand from him. He turned and led us into the club. The people in here were filthy rich, their clothes were classy and they look flawless, I was happy for agreeing to wear the clothes Bola picked out for me because if I had refused it would have made me the odd one out. I was happy for listening to her. I know I don't belong in that league of people and it made me feel so uncomfortable. What would have been worse was, if I had looked different but there was nothing I can do about it because Bola will not allow me to leave the club. He took us to the place he sat with his friends. We got introduced to everyone and I took my seat, I ordered a drink and gently swirl my body to the sound of the music as it played out loud with my phone in my hands. I was not doing much on the phone but it kept me busy since my friend was busy with Robert and the others had people they were occupied with already. I went through my phone while sipping my drink which was not strong. On the dance floor were people dancing, rocking and smooching, and strippers were doing their stuff. I remain seated when a waiter comes along with a drink, the same kind of drink I was drinking. " I didn't order that," I shout out loud again as the sound of the music was so loud and I know he won't be able to hear me. " Yes, you didn't, but a man there asked me to give it to you" He replied and was pointing in a particular direction but I couldn't see anyone there. " Please return the drink, I am done here" I yelled and got up from my seat. I was tired of sitting and letting the music go to waste. The song was drawing me to the dance floor. I gulp down the rest of my drink and then step to the dance floor ready to dance. The music was quite captivating, I jumped, danced and twist my sexy waist to myself without getting interrupted, I wasn't looking for any of that anyway so it was fun for me before I felt someone behind me and hands wrapped around my waist, I stopped immediately and felt irritated, I mean, who gave him the right to touch me? I took his hands off my waist and turned to shout at him. My eyes met his perfect eyes, he had amusement in his eyes and it got me worked up, I was going to scold him or show that I don't like him touching me but decided against it and walked away from him. " Excuse me, wait up," he said drawing me by my arms. I hate that touch, he kept touching me like he owns my body. I looked down at his hands, where they held mine and he could tell I didn't like it. " Don't act like you are a virgin. He said and took his hands off me. His voice sounded proud and pompous. I didn't give him any reply, I wasn't sure talking to him was a reasonable idea, I was pissed as it was already, so I just walked back to where I was sitting. " Playing hard to get huh? He screamed above the music. " You can't resist me for too long, you are just like the other pretty ladies," he screamed and I paused in my track, but I was not going to let his word get at me, he was a playboy who saw women as nothing. I was a person that also like to act as a playgirl too, so two can play that game. I turned around and smiled at him with my hands on my waist, I could feel eyes on us, we were standing far apart from each other and his voice got people's attention and I could bet they all wanted to know what was happening, I was starting to feel uncomfortable as more eyes were staring at us and to my surprise, the music stop playing. Whatever I had to say, they would all hear me and I don't like much attention on me. He looked at me and smirked at how quiet I have become, this hiked my boldness. " You think you can do to any girl as you wish, don't you? I said and I knew everyone around heard me. " Yes, you all are the same, physically you look different but in the end, you are all the same, you are not different from one another. So stop this act of resisting, it not as if you are a virgin?" He said proudly again and all the guys cheered on. " You must be stupid I guess?" I said and I suppose hit a nerve. He has gotten me so pissed off and I needed to get back at him. The smile on his face was completely wiped off as his eyes went dark. " I stand here and looked at who is daring me and I smiled. You are not even worth the guys who have tried and fail to get in my pants. Look at me, I mean pretty look at me, I have men wrapped around my fingertips and I don't want to add an unworthy one to the list," I said proudly and gave a defensive stand. He smirked at my comments and most people laughed but I didn't care. " What gives you the confidence that you have them wrapped around your palm, do you think you are beautiful, how can we believe that you are still a virgin like you are implying." He asked rudely and many other people laughed. I wonder what gave him such guts and it all seemed like they were on his side. " I might not be the pretty girl here but I am not the one trying to get attention by sending drinks and wanting to dance with me?" I came back at him and I heard gasp and laughter around me which gave me the satisfaction I want. He was angry and I guess no one has ever stood up to him, on the other hand, I didn't care who he was, I just knew I was not going to let him embarrass me and make a fool of me, especially in a place like this. " What makes you feel everyone here believes that you are still untouched and that you can resist me?" He asked out of the blue but I was not surprised, he asked that just as the playboy he was, he was full of himself and would say things that can make me change my mind and dance to his turn. I know how playboys think because I have read a lot of books about how they behaved. " What makes you think I can not? I replied to him with my question and I avoided the virgin part of it because I don't like discussing it, I had encountered an ugly thing in life before for being a virgin and I don't want a repeat of it. He scoffed and rub his hand on his chin, he stared at me and I stare back at him without waving my eyes from him. I wasn't going to back down from my challenger. " I am going to dare you now? Let's see where your mouth takes you," he said and everyone yelled and cheered in excitement. I thought for a while, that he might ask me to do something I would not be able to, what happened then, again, I was sure I wanted to back down because I was not scared of him. " Are you scared, pretty? He mocked me when he realized I was taking too long to give a reply. I stare at him and moved towards him a bit. " You wish? Go on dare me." I ordered confidently.
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