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Prince Richard whistled, mesmerised, taking the woman in front him in. He bit his lower lip, zooming in on her flawless honey toned skin. Her round mysterious eyes that suited her oval shaped face perfectly, looked back at him, her luscious lips slightly parted making his already racing heart gallop. He cursed inside when his eyes landed on her gifted burst and fought the urge to reach out to hold them. Her tiny waist just perfect for him to wrap his arms around, he could imagine his hands running over her gifted sensual curves and round buttocks. Just looking at her was raising heat on his belly, he could feel his manhood hardening. “Richie,” she called his name, her brown eyes focused on him. “My Lady,” he responded, his voice raw with desire. “Richie! Richie!” a voice called, knocking at the door, putting an end to the intense dream. “Come in Isabella,” Prince Richard shouted back, sitting up on his bed and pulling the bed covers over his waist to cover the bulge in his shorts. “Who is she? Do you love her? What is she like?” Princess Isabella fired questions at his brother. “Good morning Isa,” Prince Richard responded, rubbing his eyes. “Morning Brother, answer me,”Princess Isabella urged. “Who is who?” Prince Richard asked his curious little sister. “Her,” Princess Isabella said showing him the poster of him kissing Ziva behind the waterfall. “Tell me about her,” she urged. Prince Richard looked at the poster, his dream coming back to life. “Richie! Tell me!” Princess Isabella asked impatiently when she noticed that her brother was lost on the poster before him. “Her name is Ziva. She is a doctor from Asherway. Brilliant, assertive, feisty and always speaks her mind,” he responded with his eyes still glued on the poster. “And?” she asked. “And what?” he responded. “Do you love her?” she asked. “I just met her,” he said with a yawn. “That was not my question. Do you?” she urged tugging on his bed covers. “Do I what?” he asked, finding it hard to focus. It was just after five in the morning, he was still half asleep. “Do You Love Her?” she asked again, raising her tone. “I don’t know, Isa, it’s too early to tell,” he said sincerely. “You kissed her behind the falls. You said people fall in love after that,” she reminded him, that was why she was so excited when she saw the poster. Prince Richard laughed, recalling the fairytales he told his little sister. “I honestly don’t know, Isa, but I promise to tell you when I do,” he reassured her. Princess Isabella nodded. “Okay. See you later then,”she said before leaving his room. Fifteen years old now, she got on very well with her brother who dotted over her and spoiled her rotten. She just could not wait until he came down for breakfast to find out about the woman on the poster with him. Prince Richard dropped back on his bed. He needed to find out the answer to his sister’s question for himself too. Ziva had piqued his curiosity and now taken over his dreams, he needed answers before her three months in Leap were over. That morning at the blood bank offices, Laura could not wait for Ziva to arrive. “Good morning, Ziva,” she greeted her excitedly unable to help herself. “Morning Laura,” Ziva greeted back looking her suspiciously. “I have more souvenirs for you my friend,” Laura said with a mischievous smile. “Okay,” Ziva responded watching Laura take out two big poster of her and the prince. She opened and closed her mouth, speechless. The man at the Leap falls media centre told her that there will be posters but she had not expected it to be so soon. “I know that you said you won’t be seeing him anymore but looking at these photographs it’s….,” “It’s what?” Ziva asked, cutting Laura off. Talking about Prince Richard was making her very edgy. “I think you are in denial about him. He checks all your many boxes and that terrifies you,” Laura said. Having gotten to know more about her, she was convinced that the two complemented each other very well. “Have you been discussing me with Dilan behind my back?” Ziva asked sharply. Dilan said something very similar to her when they spoke last night. Laura laughed. “No, but that’s proof that we are right,” she said. “I am not attracted to the prince. Yes, I was wrong about him being a selfish, narcissistic bastard. He is a decent leader but that’s all,” Ziva explained and hoped Laura would drop the subject “Why are….,” Laura did not complete her sentence because Ziva interjected. “We are not discussing this. Which orphanage are we visiting today?” she asked. Once they realised that they had too much time on their hands, they discovered that they both loved helping out at orphanage homes and decided to do it together. “Caper childrens home has a fun event for the kids and would appreciate volunteers,” Laura responded, letting the prince subject go. “Great! Let’s go,” Ziva said excitedly. Two hours later, both Ziva and Laura were having the time of their lives being painted on by the excited kids. The excited screams and giggles worth every minute they spent and every paint splatter on their clothes. “Guess who is here,” Laura said looking towards the entrance. “There’s Prince Richard!” one child shouted before Ziva could turn her head to look. Majestic with an aura of nobility and charming as always, Ziva watched him interact with the kids. She could not help smiling at how gentle he spoke to them, how he could relate at a level neither she or Laura could. Running around, giggling and shouting with the kids, Prince Richard was at home at the childrens home and there was no doubt on whom amongst their visitors the children enjoyed the most. “Your man is pretty special, that’s why we love him,” Laura said noticing that Ziva’s eyes were glued on the prince. “He’s not my man,” Ziva responded defensively. “How did he know that we would be here?” she asked in an accusing tone. “I think he found out from Oscar, he called me earlier,” Laura responded. “And you happily told him?” Ziva asked sharply. “He’s my man, off course I did. I can’t control what he does with that information,”Laura responded, amused. “My Lady,” the familiar baritone voice said behind her. “Your Majesty,” Ziva greeted back and discovered that her friend had sneaked away, leaving her with the prince. “What are you meant to be today, My Lady?” he asked, looking closely at her face painting. “A butterfly, I think,” she responded with a smile. She did not see her own reflection but could only guess how she looked. “That smile makes you the most beautiful butterfly I ever seen,” he said charmingly making her blush. This man was too smooth and dangerous, she thought to herself. “There is a lot of my country you still need to see,” he suggested. Ziva shook her head, reading through him. “I am sure there is, Your Majesty, and I will, but on my own.” “No photographs and no videos, I promise,” he pleaded. He just needed some time alone with her. “You can’t promise me that, Your Majesty. People make millions for capturing a perfect photograph of you,” Ziva responded. She now knew better, there was just no way he could ever promise her that. Prince Richard left that afternoon disappointed. It did not matter what he said, Ziva was not willing to be ever alone with him. To Ziva’s irritation, from that day on, he showed up everywhere she went. Although she always denied it, Ziva was convinced that Laura had a lot to do with that. Then there was the photographs of them at the Leap falls that were everywhere she looked. By the end of the week, Prince Richard realised that Ziva really had no intentions of spending anytime with him and decided to take a bold leap of fate. Ziva was at the blood bank offices when he arrived. Her friend Laura disappeared as always, leaving her in the office with the prince. She could sense something different with him that day but never had a chance to reflect on it because before she knew it he had pulled her into his arms and his lips ravaging hers. Ziva found herself sitting on top of the desk, her arms around his neck, kissing him back and her heart pounding against his. Completely lost in each other, the suppressed desires in the open, the two were startled by an employee who walked in on them. In a panic, Ziva jumped off the desk, twisting her ankle. “Ouch!” Ziva crouched down in pain holding her ankle which was already swelling up. Prince Richard cursed under his breath, kneeling down and putting her ankle on his lap. Ziva’s eyes opened wide, he was kneeling in front of her for the third time now but she was not getting used to it. “Your Majesty, please..,” “I think we can both agree that we are beyond that now. Call me Richie, your ankle needs to be checked out. I will take you to Victor’s rooms,” he said decisively, picking her up, heading towards the door and not giving her any chance to object. Ziva nodded and let him carry her. His musk cologne rushed in filling her nostrils, picking up her heart rate again. “Damn it, Ziva, focus!” she rebuked herself. Prince Richard took big strides towards his car with Ziva in his arms, her head resting against his chest and arms wrapped around his neck, the scene that looked very intimate to Laura who was standing at the window watching them leave.
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