Book 3 - Chapter 31

1206 Words

" Hey Ashe, how's work going? " Logan asked me. We were about to start our monthly poker game that Saturday night and I couldn't wait to go to sleep. " I guess good " I replied. " Charlie looks great " Isa said, sitting down next to me. The boys were deciding on assignments for the month. Noah seemed to have reverted to his old demeanor, despite the smirk he'd given me as soon as he entered. " Yes, she's fantastic. She'll be back in a few weeks " I said. " We could keep some clubs to check for that period " Noah proposed. " She doesn't seem like much of that type of girl, Noah. But maybe we'll have a quieter exit " Sophie exclaimed. " It would be better, also, because we have a lot to work on " I replied. " All right, Eric, we're going to have 2 full weeks of clubbing, okay? " Log

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