Book 3 - Chapter 25 - Part One

988 Words

My little nymph had been amazing. I took her back downstairs so I could get her a drink and bought Beth a drink too, who gave Ashe a passionate kiss in front of everyone to thank her, before going off to chat with her friends. It wouldn't be long before people knew what had happened. At least Ashe was calm now. " Are events always like this? " she asked. " More or less " I replied, making her sit on my lap. " mmm … what do we do now? " " We can take another ride with someone else, or go down and watch someone f**k, or whatever. The possibilities are endless " I replied, drinking my drink. " Good evening, Christopher " someone said to me, approaching us. I tightened my grip on Ashe and tried to remember who these people were. " Good evening " I replied, while Ashe drank her drink.

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