Book 3 - Chapter 20

980 Words

" Are you really sure? " Oz asked me, while we were having dinner. " Yes, but could you explain the matter to me better " I replied. " We have to close projects and we can't send them with nothing like that. It's like you have to end a relationship politely " he said. " Okay, so what do we do? " " Let's go there, we will take a walk. Let's chat with someone and then go home " he replied. " Do you think that's enough? " " I don't know, but by introducing ourselves, we will buy time " " Are they blackmailing you? " " They can't blackmail us. There is a sort of regulation that you sign when you join those clubs. What happens in there can't get out. But we will lose a lot of money if we don't solve this problem " he replied. " Do you ever feel like a gigolo? It's like them paying to f

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