Book 3 - Chapter 29

820 Words

I had f****d her bloody, again. It wasn't much, but I had definitely exaggerated. Ashe hadn't complained, but I knew she was bothered. Plus, she had bruises on her inner thigh. I've been way too rough these days. It was true that I was venting on her, but I couldn't help. I realized I was even more eager for her when I worked like this. " No more blood " Ashe whispered. She had washed several times and, every time she touched herself, she always had a pained expression. " Good " I said. I was lying in bed and waiting for her to come and hug me. She came into my arms and I held her tightly. " You hurt me " she gasped. " You were coming " " That doesn't mean you could hurt me " " I gave you a safeword on purpose " I stroked her face. " I was distracted " " You get distracted too

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