3 - I'm taking over!

1297 Words
Lorcan “I must say, Luther, your little mate is sweet to taste.” ‘Leave her alone!’ I laugh as Luther yells inside my head—his head, I suppose—but not for long. I want this body for my own. Luther and I may share a subconscious, but I am my own person. Mommy dearest promised that I’d get a body of my own. The damn Moon Goddess pledged to me that it would happen one day soon but soon is not soon enough. I can feel my power growing, and I want out. Is it so wrong, after twenty-six years, to want a body of my own? The Witch who did this to Luther and me is dead, so, therefore, we could never remove the spell she cast on our mother. That hag stole my body and forced my consciousness to latch onto my brother. She killed me without killing me. No one has a clue what it’s like to be alive without living. I learned to take control of my brother because I was suffocating inside. Luther has tried all our lives to be a friend and a brother to me. I’m thankful for that. But I want to live as he does without having to steal his life. I don’t want to kill my brother, and I don’t want us to switch places, but what else can I do? The Moon Goddess isn’t coming through on her promise to free me fast enough. I’m growing restless and will take Luther’s body before long. I warned our mother what would happen, but it didn’t seem to hit home. Nothing gets through to my parents, not even begging them to help me find a way out of this. Maybe this will give them the push they need. If I kill Jenna, Luther will die. Can I say that I honestly want that? No. I don’t want to kill Luther; he’s all I have. The Goddess above knows that Luther means everything to me. I have Leander and Lilly, but they could never understand me like Luther does. “You don’t even want her, Luther. You made that clear when you walked away from her without a word—that poor girl. I saw the look on her face through your eyes. For a split second, Jenna thought you’d claim her. That poor, deluded little Wolf actually believed an Alpha would claim a slave. How insane is that?” ‘You don’t have a clue why I walked away from Jenna!’ I chuckle at Luther’s tone. I know why the idio.t didn’t claim his mate, and it’s not because she’s an Omega slave; it’s because of me. The fool believes that if he stays away from Jenna, I won’t hurt her. The trouble is that I don’t give a shi.t if he claims Jenna or not. I don’t particularly want to do what I’m doing, but I have to do something to be heard. If that’s killing my brother’s mate, then so be it. “Look at Jenna over there, pale and almost gone from the world.” ‘Lorcan, don’t do this, please.’ I chuckle again. “If your mate is dead, you’ll go with her, and this body will be mine.” ‘Do you really think I’m that stupid, Lorcan? You’re my brother, and I would do anything for you. Hell, I’m trying to help you, but you’ve gone too far. You’re so blind, Lorcan, that you didn’t realize I won’t die because I haven’t sealed the mate bond. I’m a Supreme Alpha; for Goddess’s sake, losing my mate won’t kill me!’ “I’m not stupid, Luther; I know the mate bond isn’t sealed. But guess what? You don’t need to seal the mate bond; I have control and can do that for you.” ‘Don’t you dare!’ I wouldn’t take Luther’s mate and force myself on her. No matter how badly I want a life of my own, I am no rapist. If I kill Jenna now, nothing will change. Luther will be sad for a while, but he’ll survive. Maybe my plan was floored; this won’t gain me a body of my own; all it will do is hurt my brother. Goddess, why do I have to give a shi.t about Luther? Why couldn’t I just hate him and move on? I punch the wall in frustration. This cannot be happening! Though I know it is, it doesn’t make me feel any better. I thought today was the day I finally became me. Now I have to go back to wishing and waiting for Goddess knows how long. “Fuc.k it,” I hiss and push away from the wall. I have to let Jenna go, but before that, I need to lay her down and push what’s left of her blood back into her body. She didn’t deserve what I did here today, all because I was frustrated. The best way to kill a Wolf is to take his mate. The trouble is that my brother is right; he’s an Alpha, a Supreme, and losing one’s mate without sealing the mate bond won’t kill a Wolf as powerful as my brother. Unless, of course, he’s deeply in love and doesn’t want to live without her. He hasn’t sealed the mate bond, so he doesn’t feel as much as he should for Jenna. I also don’t want my brother dead as much as I tell myself that it’s the only way. I don’t want to have to wait another twenty-odd years before I can be me, if I ever can be. Living like this is worse than being dead. At least if I were dead, I’d have peace. I’m about to untie Jenna when the door bursts open. I roll my eyes at their grand entrance. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask sarcastically. Mom, Dad, Leander, and Mom’s father all stare at Jenna for a second. “What the hell have you done?” I roll my eyes at Drake. “Drained her blood; what’s it look like?” Leander growls at me, and I laugh at him. He moves to Jenna, removing the tubes, and then unties her. I watch as he lifts her into his arms, and all I can think is, ‘You’ll never know how sorry I am for dragging you into this, little one.’ “Why on this earth would you do something like this?” “Well, Daddy,” I spit sarcastically. “I was promised a body of my own. No one came through, and I’m sick of waiting. I figured killing Luther’s mate would be the fastest way to gain control of his body.” I shrug as though it’s nothing; I wouldn’t want these people to know I have a weakness. Right now, the only weakness I have is Luther. “Luther’s mate?” I don’t answer Mom; she’ll figure it out on her own. Oh, what fun it is to see the shock of realization on her face. The little Omega slave is her eldest sons mate! The Moon Goddess has the best sense of humor. Though she’s a fuckin.g bitc.h for making me wait for what she owes me. “Step back, Lorcan,” “Like hell!” I hiss at Drake. I’m not ready to be pushed back just yet. I should have seen it coming, but I didn’t; the one word he yells each time he wants me to regress. “Vastura!” I scream in anger as I slip back into Luther’s subconscious. One of these days, I’ll kill them all for what they’ve done to me. I’ll take over Luther’s body, and I’ll kill them all!
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