13 - General Luther

1513 Words

Luther “Zach, you’re stepping a second too soon.” Zach sighs and rolls his eyes in my direction. The boy is a little shi.t if ever I knew one. He recently had his first shift, and he thinks he knows everything at sixteen. Being the Gamma’s son means Zach feels he has nothing left to learn regarding combat. He knows nothing. Training to be a warrior is hard work and doesn’t happen overnight. The little shi.t should think himself lucky that I’m allowing him to train with Section Four. Extremely lucky as sixteen-year-olds do not get to train as a rule. You have to be seventeen even to be considered to join a faction to train with us. That little prick is only here because of who his father is. I took it upon myself years ago to train Scarlet Nightwalkers’ troops. It wasn’t the job appoi

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