Chapter 13

4729 Words

“Our artillerymen will set up guns here,” Chisholm said, as they stood on recently captured Lighthouse Point. “It’s an excellent spot to batter the French.” “It’s a strange angle to hit the town,” MacKim said. “We won’t target the town. See the artillery battery on that island down there?” Chisholm pointed to the wind-ruffled blue of the harbour. “Their guns defend the harbour. From up here, our guns can silence the French battery, and that will allow our ships to move closer, maybe cut out the French vessels. A siege is like chess, each move calculated to cancel out the enemy’s pieces and move closer to capturing his king.” “It’s very cold-blooded,” MacKim said. “War is cold-blooded. Move and counter move, with careful planning as important as courage.” Chisholm sighed. “The old days

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