Chapter 44

2966 Words

Lexi Pov     It was dark once I got to the packhouse. I knew he was there, since his light was on when I ran up to it. He was in his room, waiting for me. My heart was pounding as I ran to him, flying up the stairs. I nearly smacked into Colt. He held my shoulders, staring at me with wide eyes. “Are you okay? What happened?” He asked, instantly prickling up, staring around with wide eyes. He thought there was something wrong. My wolf bristled along with his, having two Alphas agitated together was hard, and when he let go of my shoulders he was shaking, his eyes flashing.      “No, Colt, wait,” I panted trying to take a breath to steady myself. “Nothing is wrong, I promise.” I choked out. He turned to look at me now, trying to calm himself.     “Then why is your heart beating that hard?

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