Chapter 25

2345 Words

Jaiden pov     I followed Adaline into the house, my heart in my throat. I was more scared of this meeting than I’d ever been scared of anything before. Would she like me? Would she believe me? What would I do if she hated me or blamed me? In a way, it was my fault my mother was killed. If she hadn't had me, maybe she’d still be alive, even if she was being tortured. Maybe she would have had a chance to escape. Maybe she would have escaped by now, but we would never have known because she was murdered.     I kept dwelling on the fact that my father kept her alive only until she gave birth. Why did he want her child so badly? And why did he never have any children with my stepmother? The only thing I could think of was she was unable, or maybe he didn’t let her, those would be reasons to

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