Chapter 19

2440 Words

Jaiden Pov     “Are you sure you have to go? We’d love to have more time with you.” I looked up from the suitcase I was packing, and grinned at Alice. She was standing in the doorway with a frown on her face, her violet eyes filled with sadness.      “I think Grandma deserves to get to know me too, plus to know what happened to mom,” I said to her. She nodded, understanding. I got it, it was hard even if it was necessary. If it wasn’t for the fact that grandma was in the other pack, I’d never want to leave. “But I don’t want to if it makes you feel better. I loved spending time here with you and Ulric, and Jade and Julien. You’re all so amazing. But, even still, it feels like it's still, missing. Something is missing, and the more I think about it, the more it feels right to go to Grandm

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