Chapter 37

2547 Words

Zain Pov     It’s been a week since then. The date, the date that everyone has asked me about. How hard it was to smile and tell everyone it was perfect? How hard it was to tell everyone that we were closer than ever? Once again my dad sat me down, talked to me. This time mom was there too. Both of them were so happy, the light shining in their eyes as they asked me how the date was. Dad asked me if I was still sure I was happy. He said he noticed I was off, and I didn’t know what to say. How do I tell them that I have no idea what’s wrong with me? That I didn’t seem to be attracted to Lexi anymore, even though I love her. How do I tell them that I haven’t really kissed Lexi in months? That I haven’t even wanted to? How do I tell them that I’m confused and I think there’s something wrong

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