Chapter 62 - What does the future hold?

1577 Words

Ridley’s POV “So?” Flip bathed in the moonlight on the flat rocks of the waterfall. “Has she said yes, yet?” He burst out laughing, telling me he already knew the damn answer. “I don’t know, maybe I’m wasting my time.” I stuffed a blade of grass between my teeth and started to chew out of pure frustration. “Dude!” Flip laughed, waving his arms furiously through the air. “There are so many chicks out there that would give their front teeth just to jump into bed with you once!” “I don’t want a one timer. I’ve told you that! I want the real thing. The full experience of finding my destined mate and being with her and only her.” I had told him this a million times over. “I don’t know, man. I don’t think I can be bound like that for life.” He grinned and I smacked his chest. “OW!” He lau

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