Mirror Of Lost Souls

1495 Words
Lady prim was the God of Norme. At least that's what Debora thought because that Lady was worshiped as much as the coven stars and was barely seen twice in the span of six decades, invisible to the eyes of witches she was. If that's not God behaviour, then what is? Debora and Felix followed Semira down the left hallway where on either side doors were lined up. Debora heard voices in them but ignored the chills that went up her spine at the thought of what or who was inside. She had heard enough about this part of prime house. Debora or any other witch was never allowed to wander in this part of the prime house as it was the path that lead to Lady prim's chambers, guards stayed behind the closed doors. Spirits of old witches who vowed to protect Lady prim of generations with their lives hustled behind the closed doors that could open at the feel of a stranger. Debora usually stayed up to the thirteenth tower or the library where the only spirits she saw were the lost ones, the librarians and of course the ones who wanted to take her with them but we're not able to. She never feared them because they were harmless enough to be wandering about but the ones around them at the moment, growling behind the thin layer of wood were vicious and blood thirsty. To her relief the hallway wasn't very long and they reached the dead end in lest than five minutes. Next to her Felix was concentrating with his brows furrowed. Noticing his distress she placed a hand on his back to get his attention. "Felix?" Felix looked down at her and instantly the crease on his forehead disappeared like it was never there, the bright smile returned for her to see. Bug Debora saw right through it. "Is something bothering you? Prime house can have that effect sometimes. It's plain out creepy." A disapproving sound came from her mother who was chanting before the wall, Debora ignored her. "It's nothing. Why is your mother talking to the wall?" "She's chanting." Just then the wall before them melted into nothing and revealed a mirror that showed their reflection. Debora's eyes flickered over to her mother's reflection in the soul mirror and then to the invisible space next to her where Felix was supposed to be. "I can't see myself in that mirror." Felix pointed out horrified. "Am I a ghost?" She looked up at him and smiled but before she could say anything, her mother presented him an explanation in her own harsh fashion. "This is the soul mirror. Only the one with magic in their blood and soul can be seen in it and pass through. You see? You are not welcomed here." "I will have to use magic on you to enter."  Debora said to Felix and he nodded frowning. "Your mother hates me, Debora." He mumbled to her as she placed her open palm over his forehead and covered it with a glowing purple light. The light disappeared into his skin and travelled down his body. "And I don't care, Felix. She stopped being my mother since the day after my birth." Debora didn't wait for his response and pulled him through the soul mirror after Semira. Debora was open minded before she entered through the soul mirror. She didn't expect anything before she saw what was on the opposite side of the magic wall. "This is where she lives?" Semira narrowed her eyes at Felix who did not notice her hostility as he was busy making a face at the cobweb filled ceiling barely three inches above his head. "Lady prim will not be happy about this." She grumbled and stalked ahead for Debora and Felix to follow. He had to crouch a little to save his hair from serving as a broom for the dirty ceiling. The place they were at could be simply described as a middle age cave. Debora barely dodged a bull skull in her way. Lady prim surely had a very different taste in residential preference. They passed a few more openings in the cave hallway and as they went in the scene changed. Candle holders hung from the stone walls, instead of bones and skulls the floor was littered with candle wax and more candles burning light for passers by. A strange comforting smell rained on her, calming her disturbed senses from almost stepping on a bone. Her eyes flutter shut as she deeply inhaled the dose of bliss. The bliss formed an image in her head. It was Felix, in a garden full of lilies. She smiled at him and watched him moving backwards, laughing in happiness. She matched his step with a chuckle of her own. He extended his hand up towards her and she reciprocated. Their fingers barely touched and she expected him to stop and embrace her but his movements continued. Debora's smile disappeared as her eyes caught the rift behind him. Her moth opened to warn him, her mind made sentences but her voice didn't reach him as he kept walking backwards laughing and telling her to come to him. Debora felt her legs frozen in place as she helplessly watched Felix near the edge. His happy face morphed into one of desperate fear when she didn't move. He stopped at the very edge, his heel an inch towards the end. "Felix!!" She finally screamed, ger heavy metal laden legs moved with a slow proximity towards his frozen body. His ashen face digged into her head like burning iron. His pretty eyes were dead cold when she looked into them, finally reaching him. "You left me Debora." He whispered into the roaring wind. Debora didn't realise the stream of tears flowing down her cheeks until he said those words. A stabbing pain errupted in her chest as she gripped his cold hand. "No Felix. I never left you, I will never." She pleaded. He easily shrugged her hand off and shifted back again, his leg now halfway over the edge. Debora let out a horrified scream but Felix was unbothered. "You never cared enough, Debora. You should have done something. You had the choice." His confusing words only increased her desperation. "Move away from here first Felix, we can talk later. I don't understand anything right now. Move away from there first!" She screamed at him but he didn't respond. His icy eyes froze in her and with a single blink he lifted his hand in her direction, hope bloomed in her heart. An in a heartbeat he took a single step back, falling away from her into the endless pit of darkness below. Debora cried out in pain and hurled herself down behind him but an invisible force restraint her from following him down. Debora fell on the bed of lilies and cried tears of blood until the sun died and the moon cried with her, stars fell for her and her own breath shied away from her. ------------------------------- Debora opened her eyes in a barely lit place. Her eyes didn't burn with the flashing light, she didn't enjoy the sweet smelling fragrance around her, her heart felt dead. Her first thought was losing Felix. Uninvited tears gathered in her eyes and leaked down in blurry lines. A blurry figure shadowed above her and she chocked on a sob. "Felix." Her stutter was followed by the touch of his fingers over her eyes wiping her tears that had turned from the one of grief to happy ones. "I'm here Debora, your tears are being wasted for no reason." He joked which made her snicker. When the veil of blurry tears disappeared she found his face above her. At once, her hands enclosed about his face and her lips claimed his in an attempt to convince him that she cared, to stop him moving towards the edge. His lips moved familiarly above hers and offered her the comfort she needed. In her head she heard him whisper, 'I am here Debora. I'm here.'  She tasted the salt of her tears and only then she moved away from him, still scanning his face for anything wrong. He was smiling down at her, the sadness in his eyes was hidden away in the darkest corner but she saw it and felt in hit her where it hurt. "It's over now, darling. It was all a lie." Just like her own face, his was drenched in sweat. The fading redness of his eyes convinced her that she wasn't the only one who witnessed the fall of a loved one, Felix did too. And he was being the braver one by comforting her. Her arms reached over his shoulders and pulled him down in a tight embrace, "I love you." Against her shoulder she felt him smile and drop a kiss at the base of her neck, "I love you more, sweetheart."
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